Can the Wii connect to the Internet in 2024?

As a passionate Nintendo fan and long-time Wii owner myself, I get asked a lot—can you still connect to Wi-Fi and access internet features on the aging, but iconic Wii console in 2024?

The emphatic answer is yes! Let‘s dive deep into the world of Wii internet connectivity.

The Wii‘s Robust Wi-Fi Capabilities Stand the Test of Time

Part of what made the extraordinarily successful Wii console so revolutionary when it launched globally in 2006/2007 was that it was Nintendo‘s first Wi-Fi enabled system right out the gate.

The Wii has 802.11b/g Wi-Fi antennas built-in allowing it to connect to modern wireless networks and hotspots – this Wi-Fi functionality has not deteriorated 17 years later.

According to Nintendo Support documentation, below are the technical capabilities:

Wi-Fi Standards802.11b/g
Frequency Band2.4Ghz
Security ProtocolsWEP, WPA, WPA2

This allows Wiis to connect to the majority of today‘s routers. The console sells over 100 million units to date – it still retains decent market share considering its long life cycle.

Nintendo still provides active troubleshooting tips for getting Wii consoles online, so they clearly recognize lingering demand.

Changes to Nintendo Services Impacted Some Functionality

While the base Wi-Fi connectivity remains intact over the years, some of the Nintendo-run services and features accessible have changed:

  • Multiplayer Gaming – The massively popular online multiplayer component in games like Mario Kart Wii and Smash Bros is no longer available after the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (WFC) was discontinued in 2014 after 8 years of service. This marked the tragic end of an era.

  • Virtual Console Store – The Virtual Console digital marketplace within the Wii Shopping Channel had a long run, but Nintendo recently announced it will shut the Wii Shop Channel down in March 2023. This will prevent new game downloads/purchases and redownloads after that, though you‘ll retain access to anything downloaded prior.

So while the demise of those services is certainly sad, don‘t fret – read on for what the Wii can still do online!

Browsing the Web and Streaming Video Continues to Shine

The Wii has an Opera-based web browser that rivals early smartphone browser capabilties.

Obvously modern sites are far more robust, but I‘m always surprised by how capable it remains for simple browsing. I can check news sites, sports scores, Youtube, social media, and more with little issue.

But the Wii‘s standout and still unmatched online talent in 2024 is video streaming thanks to an abundance of entertainment apps:

  • Netflix – Binge watch Stranger Things and more in up to 720p!
  • Hulu – Keep up with the Handmaid‘s Tale‘s latest season
  • Amazon Prime – The Boys, anyone?
  • YouTube – Endless viral videos on the big screen
  • Nintendo Channel – Game trailers, footage, updates

The humble Wii puts Netflix et al. on the TV years before smart TVs took over. And dedicated channels showcase news and Wii gameplay footage.

It may not have the highest resolution, but it gets the basics done better than almost any vintage console. Wii streaming flexibility keeps the device feeling fresh in 2024.

And thanks to Wi-Fi, the Wii continously adds firmware updates to enhance usability – the latest being in 2019‘s v4.3U system update.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Connecting Wii to Wi-Fi

Hopefully I‘ve gotten across why connecting the Wii online still provides real utility. Now let‘s deep dive into the key factors to weigh as you decide whether bringing your Wii onto Wi-Fi in 2024 works for your use case:


  • Convenient Access to Streaming Services – Being able to watch Netflix or Youtube on original hardware with an authentic retro feel can be very gratifying for gaming enthusiasts. It just feels good.
  • Preserve Usability Before Looming Service Shutdowns – Connecting now allows you to download Virtual Console games, re-download purchases, and do system transfers before the Wii Shop Channel shutsdown for good in a few months. This prolongs usage.
  • Enjoy Multiplayer with Local Friends – While online multiplayer and matchmaking functionality died years ago, you can still have a blast playing 4 player Mario Party or Smash Bros with friends beside you. No internet needed for local multiplayer!


  • Online Play Nostalgia Gone Forever – The discontinued online multiplayer servers for the Wii‘s beloved library of games is the main casualty of aging Wii infrastructure. Mario Kart Wii‘s once bustling worldwide competition exists only in memories now.
  • Lack of Security Updates – Vintage tech always carries some security concerns as updates taper off. While I haven‘t heard of widespread issues, connecting vintage devices online always raises own risk tolerance considerations.
  • Picture Quality Trades Offs – Don‘t get me wrong, I think the Wii holds up well enough for streaming and web browsing. But others may find the maximum 720p resolution too lacking for films compared to a 4K smart TV. This comes down to personal preference.

So weigh the pros and cons against your own preferences. In summary, the Wii delivers meaningful and fun online functionality in 2024, but lacks key components from its peak years last decade. Adjust expectations accordingly.

Connecting My Beloved Wii to Wi-Fi Brings Me Joy

I love my Nintendo Wii even in 2024 at 30 years old. It carves out a special retro niche between nostalgia gaming and practical multimedia uses like streaming.

Turning on the iconic Wii theme song and clicking through that lovable dated menu UI still feels charming. Seeing the Wii Shop Channel and old Virtual Console banners oozes nostalgia.

And the fact I can access YouTube or the Opera browser keeps the device‘s usability surprisingly contemporary. When combined with beloved couch multiplayer titles, it just hits different.

So if you still have your old Wii in the closet collecting dust, I implore you – dig it out, hook it up to your Wi-Fi, and enjoy the strange combo of retro charm and modern practicality.

Just get it online before the final Virtual Console shop shutdown in March! The Wii‘s unique retro-modern experience puts a smile on my face even after all these years. I think you‘ll be pleasantly surprised too.

Let me know on Twitter if connecting your Wii in 2024 brought back fond memories! I could talk Nintendo nostalgia for hours.

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