Mastering Two-Player Co-op in For Honor

As a veteran For Honor player with over 200 hours across Xbox and PlayStation, one of my favorite ways to play is local co-op with a friend side-by-side on the couch. While many modern games are forgoing local multiplayer, For Honor wonderfully bucks the trend by retaining shared-screen cooperative play.

Can two people truly play For Honor on the same console?

The short answer is absolutely yes – while For Honor does not actually support a split perspective, it enables two gamers to play through the entire story campaign or multiplayer modes on one screen. By signing in a second controller and gamertag/PSN ID, you and a partner can team up.

So while you won‘t get a divided interface, you can fight, quest, and progress through For Honor‘s medieval warring factions cooperatively off the same system.

A Breakdown of Local Co-op Functionality

Below I‘ve summarized how For Honor‘s local co-op experience works across platforms:

Console2-Player Local Co-op?Details
Xbox OneYesSupports 2 gamertags playing cooperatively
PlayStation 4YesSupports 2 PSN IDs playing cooperatively
PCNoOnly cross-platform online co-op

Additionally, while early interviews promised split-screen support in For Honor, the game does not actually divide the perspective. Instead, local co-op offers a shared singular view.

This provides a more unified experience than split-screen and encourages closer teamwork. But it means orienting your gaming setup carefully…

Optimizing Your Local Co-op Gaming Environment

To make the most of For Honor‘s local multiplayer, I recommend the following gear, setups, and configurations:

  • Television/Monitor – A 40"+ television or 28"+ monitor allows both players to see effectively
  • Surround Sound – Hear enemies from all directions without obscuring chat
  • Gaming Chairs – Adjustable chairs let you sit at attention together
  • Mini-Fridge – No need to leave the action for cold drinks and snacks!
  • Adjustable Camera – Fine-tune zoom and perspective to fit both fields of view

The key is immersing yourselves together in the game while communicating verbal strategies. This builds camaraderie through lethal medieval combat!

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Local Multiplayer

Here is exactly how to initiate on-couch co-op play in For Honor on major consoles:

On Xbox One

  1. Turn on your Xbox One and launch For Honor
  2. Sign in User 1 on Controller 1 with Xbox Live subscription
  3. Connect Controller 2 and sign in Guest or User 2
  4. Press the View button on Controller 2
  5. Select User 2‘s gamertag under "Add/Switch Profile"
  6. Choose campaign or any other mode!

On PlayStation 4

  1. Turn on your PS4 and launch For Honor
  2. Sign in User 1 on Controller 1 with PS Plus subscription
  3. Connect Controller 2 and sign in User 2 with PS Plus
  4. Press the PS button on Controller 2
  5. Choose to activate Controller 2 with User 2‘s PSN ID
  6. Pick campaign or desired multiplayer mode!

Once set up, you‘ll be playing cooperatively on the same screen in no time.

Playing Smoothly Together – Essential Co-op Tips

While coordinating with a couch buddy takes practice, here are my top tips for seamless local teamwork:

  • Discuss Combos – Coordinate unique character abilities for killer combinations
  • Call Out Targets – Mark enemies verbally so you don‘t overlap attacks
  • Watch Flanks – Cover each other‘s blind spots for complete awareness
  • Respect Revives – Teamwork saves lives, so pick each other up!
  • Congratulate Kills – Positive reinforcement builds morale. Nice job!
  • Negotiate Objectives – Compromise to tackle what each player needs

With ongoing communication and situational awareness of your partner, you‘ll achieve perfect local co-op chemistry. Soon you‘ll operate as one unified warrior dispatching foes!

Evaluating Shared-Screen Local Multiplayer

For Honor‘s local co-op solution offers notable advantages over forcing a horizontal split-screen perspective:


  • Undivided screen real-estate
  • Shared point-of-view situational awareness
  • Naturally encourages team communication
  • Nimbler performance without rendering twice


  • Not as immediately accessible as split-screen
  • Requires more physical coordination between players
  • Can get visually chaotic with four characters

Overall, I greatly prefer a unified screen that gets me invested in working tightly with my couch partner. Our victories feel more hard-fought and cooperative when obtained as a tight-knit team!

The Bottom Line – Wholeheartedly Recommended

While online multiplayer might rule modern gaming, For Honor‘s local co-op support hearkens back to a cherished tradition of shared-screen play. Few games allow journeying through an entire story campaign or dominating PVP modes cooperatively on one system.

So gather a like-minded friend, configure an awesome battlestation, communicate fluidly, and lose yourselves in the warring world of For Honor – together on the couch! This rare gem keeps same-console multiplayer alive and is wholeheartedly recommended.

Now pick your heroes and get raging!

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