Can You Play Faceit With a VAC Ban? Yes You Can!

The short answer is yes, you can still play on Faceit even with a VAC ban on your Steam account. Unlike Valve matchmaking and community servers which use Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC), Faceit has its own custom anti-cheat technology. So VAC bans do not impact playing on the Faceit platform.

As an avid CSGO player and content creator myself, I totally understand the frustration of receiving a VAC ban. Getting permanently blocked from VAC-secured servers feels unfair given the time and money invested into our Steam libraries and skins.

But don‘t lose hope! Read on as I share tips for vac banned players, dispel myths around bans, and explain why Faceit‘s platform still welcomes you.

Background on VAC Bans

Valve Anti Cheat (VAC) is the anti-cheat system running across Steam‘s online games. According to Steam‘s statistics, over 13 million VAC bans have been issued since 2001 across roughly 250 games.

VAC bans start as delayed temporary bans. Only later does the ban become permanent across all VAC-secured servers. This delay lets VAC gather data to help detect cheat signatures for the future. Unfortunately it also leads some players to think the ban was an error at first or has expired later.

Unlike game or trade bans which can expire over time, VAC bans are for life. Less than 1% of VAC bans have ever been reversed according to Valve statements, almost always due to issues with VAC itself rather than cheating players. Understandably, Steam discussions contain many pleas from players insisting their case is that rare false positive!

Faceit‘s Anti-Cheat Tech

So if VAC bans apply forever across Valve‘s matchmaking and community servers, where can a banned player turn? Enter Faceit.

FACEIT Anti-cheat (FACEIT AC) is the custom anti-cheat system running on all Faceit game servers. Boasting over 35 million Faceit user accounts, they‘ve created AC to keep their platform as cheat free as possible across popular titles like CSGO, Dota 2 etc.

FACEIT AC uses cutting edge techniques like machine learning inside your game process to detect even the latest spinbot configurations or wallhacks. Signature scanning blocks known cheating software. Server-side AC looks for impossible moves like shot trajectories or timing tells. Unlike VAC, real people review the most suspicious cases before issuing bans too.

Overall FACEIT AC seems largely popular with players. Reviews praise its non-intrusive nature compared to competitors while still shutting down even paid hack menus. Of course some cheaters still slip through leading to regular rage threads. But avoiding false positives matters given bans require starting a new Faceit account.

Can You Link Steam with FACEIT?

When signing up for Faceit, linking your Steam account is optional. Doing so automatically imports your Steam friends and allows showing off achievements. However if VAC banned specifically in the game you wish to play on Faceit, their support strongly recommends not linking to Steam.

Instead sign up for Faceit using a direct email address instead of Steam OpenID. Then reconnect back to Steam later after contacting Faceit support. Explain your situation politely and they can fully disable your old Steam-connected account. This frees you to enjoy Faceit without risk of penalties due to the VAC ban.

I‘d echo their advice from my personal experience. Even if you slip through without support help initially, someday an opponent may search your Steam profile and report you out of spite. Avoid the hassle upfront!

Constructive Alternatives for VAC Banned Gamers

Third party servers like Faceit are fantastic options for VAC banned players to keep enjoying competitive gameplay after losing access to VAC-secured matchmaking and certain community servers.

But what else can you do? Here are a few suggestions I can vouch for from my FPS addicted days!

Enjoy Casual Game Modes

Casual game modes remove pressure and allow practicing with all weapons and maps available rather than competitive‘s small rotation. Modes like:

  • Deathmatch: Respawn instantly and rapidly improve your aim by nonstop frags
  • Arms Race: All players race through ascending weapon tiers on a set path to learn every gun
  • Gun Game: Each kill cycles you through a series of preset weapons demanding skill adaptation

Based on the CSGO Game Tracker, casual playlists now surpass competitive in total playtime. Players enjoy casually fragging out without the headaches of prime matchmaking or grinding ranks.

Explore Community Servers

Community servers let players add custom mods, maps, modes etc on unofficial servers not running VAC. Want 64 player FFA pistol HS only? It exists! Surf, zombies, rescoped snipers? Provided!

TF2 in particular retains a vibrant community server scene. Log in and browse to discover unique takes on iconic maps from community creators. Instead of CS‘s popular Dust bowl for the 1000th time, now it‘s Dust… race cars? Dust… zombies?!

Play Other Games

One benefit of a VAC ban only applying to one game: all your other Steam games work fine. Revisit that backlog and play older titles you‘ve neglected.

Popular series sharing Source engine roots with CSGO include Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Garry‘s Mod, and Team Fortress 2 of course.

What To Expect if VAC Banned

Moving forward after a VAC ban, be aware of limitations like:

  • Trading & Selling Restricted: Can only receive gifts, not give them or use market
  • Banned Game‘s Inventory Now Locked
  • Potential Stigma: Some wrongly assume VAC = Cheater

But again, remember trusted platforms like Faceit have separated themselves from VAC restrictions. So don‘t lose all hope!

Cheers and happy fragging!

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