Can a World Level 7 Join World Level 8 in Genshin Impact?

No, a World Level 7 player cannot join a World Level 8 player‘s world in co-op mode. The game strictly prevents joining sessions where the host has a higher World Level.

However, with a little coordination between players, there are a couple of easy workarounds:

Option 1: Temporary World Level Reversion

Once reaching World Level 5, the World Level 8 player can choose to revert their level down by 1. This sets them back to World Level 7, matching the friend trying to join.

After reverting, there is a 24 hour cooldown before the World Level 8 player could increase their level again. So this method allows temporary adjusting to enable joint play.

Option 2: Join Lower World Level Instead

Rather than trying to join the World Level 8 player‘s world, the World Level 7 friend can simply host their own world and have the other join them instead.

The game‘s join requirements allow you to enter worlds with the same or lower World Level than your own. So a World Level 8 player can freely join World Level 7.

What Determines World Levels and Adventure Ranks?

Before explaining more nuances around manipulating World Levels for co-op, let‘s quickly summarize how they relate to your Adventure Rank:

Adventure RankWorld LevelMax Character Level

As you gain Adventure EXP and increase your Adventure Rank, your World Level will automatically increase at certain rank thresholds. This makes enemies stronger but also increases rewards.

You also need to complete special Ascension Quests at AR 25, 30, 35, etc to continue raising your Adventure Rank cap further.

Why Increase World Level at All?

Aside from the challenge and prestige factor, raising your World Level gives valuable benefits:

  • Better Loot Drops: Items, artifacts, ascension materials, talent books – improved quality and quantities
  • Increased Frequency of Random Events: More opportunities for bonus chests and other open world rewards
  • Stronger Enemies/Bosses: Fight more dangerous foes for new loot types and better material drops
  • Maximum Character Levels: Progressing world levels steadily unlocks higher maximum levels for your roster until 90

However, for some players, rapidly increasing World Levels and enemy difficulty can actually be counterproductive:

  • Struggling during combat and using lots of healing items
  • Spending too long defeating elite bosses and domains
  • Finding loot and ascension drops inefficient for the effort required

This leads into the options around reversing World Levels…

When and Why to Reverse World Level

Starting at WL 5, you can voluntarily reduce your World Level by 1 to help compensate for any spikes in enemy difficulty. Reasons you may want to consider this include:

  • Catch Up Weaker Party Members: If newer characters can‘t keep up, reverting lets everyone power up
  • Farm Easier Loot/Materials: Temporarily faceroll early sources until you stockpile enough
  • Co-op With Lower Rank Friends: Reduce to play together then restore your level after

However, there are also downsides of dropping World Levels to weigh:

  • One Level Max Reduction: Can‘t decrease World Level any further than 1 below your actual
  • Daily Cooldown: Can only lower World Level once every 24 hours
  • Less Loot: Enemies and bosses will provide reduced rewards

So in summary, lowering World Levels provides a short term easier experience at the cost of less valuable loot long term. It can enable catching up characters and allows playing co-op cross World Levels.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide gave lots of insight into Genshin Impact‘s World Level and Adventure Rank mechanics! Once you reach higher World Levels, manipulating your level down temporarily provides more co-op flexibility.

  • Can a WL 7 join a WL 8 directly? No.
  • Can a WL 8 join a WL 7 instead? Yes.
  • Can a WL 8 revert to WL 7 to allow a friend to join? Yes.

Let me know if you have any other questions! This gamer is always happy to help break down the nitty gritty stats and metas around this game we all love!

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