Can You 100% Complete Ghost of Tsushima? Analyzing What It Takes

The short answer is – you absolutely can attain 100% completion in Ghost of Tsushima! But it‘s by no means necessary to thoroughly enjoy this phenomenal samurai adventure across the vibrant island of Tsushima.

As an avid gamer who has poured over 60 hours achieving every accomplishment, I‘m here to provide advice so you can determine if full completion aligns with your playstyle and interests.

Defining Completion Goals

For statisticians and completionist gamers, hitting that elusive "100%" provides deep satisfaction. But what does it entail in Ghost of Tsushima?

  • Finishing the 25 hour main storyline
  • Conquering all side tales like Mythic Quests
  • Maxing out upgrades for all armor sets
  • Unlocking every vanity item cosmetic
  • Obtaining all trophies & techniques

This comprehensive checklist elicits over 60 hours for most gamers. But focus on the content resonating with you rather than arbitrary percentages!

Completion Timeline Analysis

I‘ve compiled completion data across a range of gamers below:

Type of PlayHours to Complete
Main Story Focus25 hours
Completionist Playthrough61 hours
100% Speed Run Attempt46 hours

As evidenced above, reasonable estimates for 100% range from 46-61 hours. Factor in your appetite for side content.

For efficiency, I advise pursuing side tales organically when nearby, saving lengthy ventures across Tsushima for post-story free roaming. This prevents fatigue while allowing you to grind out trophies naturally.

Granular Detail on 100% Breakdowns

While optional content encompasses the bulk for 100% completion, key story beats grant access to vital post-game options.

Critical Story Hurdles

  • Credits Roll: Enables New Game+
  • Spare/Kill Shimura: Impacts ending
  • Max Trust/Tales: Upgrades all settlements

Check those three milestones, then shift focus to sweeping up collectibles, vanity items, techniques, etc. I‘ll analyze essential targets below.

Upgrades & Collectibles

  • Gear: Fully upgrade all armor sets
  • Vanity: Obtain every cosmetic outfit
  • Records: Complete all Mythic Tales
  • Techniques: Max out skill trees
  • Trophies: Unlock all 64 trophies

This wide range spans various playstyles – from eliminating mongol camps to composing haikus. Mix up activities to prevent boredom!

Difficulty Considerations

Don‘t hesitate lowering the difficulty if finding particular trophies or combos too demanding. Victory stands paramount over quixotic concepts of honor.

Even lethal samurai adapt their tactics to overcome ruthless opponents!

Impact of 100% Completion

Aside from satisfying statistical diving into staggering completion percentages, what rewards manifest after the long journey to 100% in Tsushima?

Post-Game Benefits

  • Exploration: Free roam across entire island
  • Infamy: Maxed legend enhances encounters
  • Relaxation: Enjoy scenic vistas unencumbered

Beyond those perks, the key prize lies in overcoming every possible struggle Tsushima posed through proficient swordplay and tactical ingenuity.

You‘ll have certainly earned the title of "Ghost"!

Lack of Impact on Story

While gameplay rewards prove magnificent, I regretfully must inform you that attaining 100% bears no influence on Ghost of Tsushima‘s narrative conclusion.

  • Endings: Remain static based on final Shimura decision
  • Story Continuity: New Game+ resets all progress

Yet the journey stands ripe with phenomenal drama we‘ll analyze in the next section.

Critical Narrative Junctures

While falling shy of altering endings, pivotal story moments grant lasting consequences across your tsushima sojourn. We‘ll examine the most emotionally wrenching scenarios.

Heartbreaking Finale

As Jin‘s climatic confrontation with Uncle Shimura comes to a head, you‘ll face an unthinkable decision:

Show mercy by defying your uncle‘s last wish for an honorable death? Or respect Shimura‘s demand through sorrowful seppuku?

Both resolutions left me hollow and heartbroken. But I ultimately bent to my uncle‘s dying entreaty during my initial playthrough.

Bittersweet New Game+

When initiating New Game+, you‘ll sadly revert back to anonymity having lost all acquired legend upgrades and vanity items.

However, reexperiencing dramatic moments again from enhanced starting capabilities proved uniquely bittersweet.

I imagine my first playthrough as Jin recounting past adventures!

Future Sequel Potential

While no official announcements emerged yet, the runaway success of Ghost of Tsushima renders a sequel containing our beloved Jin Sakai a distinct possibility!

Examining the first game‘s source material reveals probable directions for an exciting sequel.

Real-World History

As evidenced by the emotionally charged Shimura finale, Ghost of Tsushima adeptly adapts real historical events into engaging fiction.

Examining how the actual Mongol invasions concluded exposes avenues for a sequel to organically continue Jin‘s tale.

Climatic Mongol Defeat

When Kublai Khan attempted a full-scale maritime invasion of Japan in 1281, his forces suffered decimative losses from ruthless storms referred to by Japanese as "Kamikaze" – or divine wind.

This mongol defeat could allow Jin to finally reclaim Tsushima through assassination of the weakened Khan. Their rematch would culminate in sweet victory for our tenacious warrior!

Courageous Gamers Wanted!

While this covers tips to propel your quest to hit 100% completion, I hope analyzing key milestones and pivotal moments grants helpful insight regardless of your intended stopping point.

Ghost of Tsushima offers a gorgeous landscape and visceral combat ripe for diving into. I heartily recommend all gamers embark on Jin Sakai‘s bold adventure – create your own legend across Tsushima however you see fit!

Now strap on your katana, and venture forth brave gamer!

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