Can You Be a Girl in Fallout: New Vegas?

The answer is a resounding yes! Ever since Fallout 3, players have been able to choose between playing as a male or female protagonist. New Vegas continues this precedent, letting you customize exactly the character you want to brave the post-nuclear Mojave as.

Character Creation Options

When first crafting your Courier, you‘ll notice distinct differences in what‘s available depending on gender:


Female models have access to 26 different hair options spanning styles like beehives, pixie cuts, and braids. Meanwhile, male models only get 16 more conventional military-inspired dos.

Body Types

Though all characters have the same physical stats, their 3D models have set shapes. The male body is fairly uniform, while you can tweak a female body to be slender, muscular or full-figured.

Face Presets

There are 19 female face presets versus just 15 for male models. These include more diverse bone structures, skin tones, make-up and lip options. Scars and dirt can be added regardless of gender.

Clothing Variety

By my estimate, there are around 50 armor and clothing items usable only by female models in game. These range from dresses to power armor. Unique outfits like the Naughty Nightwear also have a "Male Version" substitute.

Customization OptionFemale ModelsMale Models
Hairstyles Choices2616
Body Shape FlexibilityHighLow
Face Preset Options1915
Gender-Exclusive Apparel~50 items~15 items

So when it comes to aesthetics freedom, those opting to play as female clearly have more flexibility. Of course, you can always install additional hair and clothing mods.

Perceived Differences in Narrative

A common misconception is that the protagonist‘s gender impacts quest outcomes or faction alignments beyond a few dialogue tweaks. Rest assured, all story endings and choices are available regardless how you customize your Courier‘s look.

For example, while the Legion is notoriously degrading towards women, a female Courier can still rise through their ranks or crush their leaders without impediment. Quest rewards and romantic encounters follow similar patterns.

That said, some players insist subtle gender biases shine through in certain NPC interactions:

  • Male Couriers may receive more upfront respect from Old World Blue Bloods like Mr. House and Elder McNamara
  • Female Couriers can more easily manipulate male targets with seduction

But the legitimacy of these perceptions is questionable. I‘ve achieved the same feats on multiple playthroughs alternating between sexes.

Pulling Off an Effective "Sex Change"

If you still want to switch your character‘s gender after initially settling on one, it is in fact possible by activating the "sexchange" code. But beware – this console command only alters your Courier‘s body, not their voice, clothing preferences, or equip animations.

The result can be pretty jarring. Suddenly hearing your gruff male Courier‘s battle cries emanating from a petite woman is comedy gold. But those prioritizing immersion have cause for complaint. Sometimes a reload is less hassle.

There are mods that enable a more seamless transition by automatically adjusting gendered dialogue and outfits. But notably your romantic status won‘t carry over. For example, if you first wooed arcade gannon as a male, he won‘t still be infatuated with your new female self. Something about that must not compute!

Romantic Encounters Offer Equal Opportunity

As an independent wastelander living on the edge, your Courier can optionally blow off steam with a few special someones out there. These sexual encounters unlock via flirtatious dialogue after finishing certain quest lines.

Who‘s on the table depends more on perks and stats rather than gender. For instance, the Confirmed Bachelor (male) and Cherchez La Femme (female) perks each enable unique propositions. Drug addict Carrie Boyd is open to Couriers of both sexes.

Same sex pairings are tacitly included without judgement. This flexibility has won Fallout praise for avoiding outright homophobia rampant in 50‘s era sci-fi.

Suffice to say that any Courier build has avenues for carnal recreation on offer. Just be sure to have enough caps on hand whenever visiting Novac motel rooms or Gommorah courtesans!

Controversial Legion Backstory

Now to address the 800 lb deathclaw in the room: Caesar‘s Legion are blatant sexists by design. Modelled on ancient Rome, their highly patriarchal culture demeans women primarily as slaves, servants or wives for breeding.

  • But here‘s the catch: none of this uplifting backstory applies to female PCs. You remain an anomalous outsider judged solely by your capabilities aiding or destroying the Legion.

"If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows" Caesar mocks NCR‘s senate disputes. From certain angles, the hypocritical decadence of New Vegas seemingly proves his worldview correct.

Yet real societies harbor more complexities than these games depict. Players should thoughtfully reflect on how their real world privilege and values influence in-game moral compass. I myself struggle with this tension frequently.

Illustrating Post-Apocalyptic Gender Dynamics

Most Fallout factions display moderately egalitarian leanings around gender – at least where the protagonist is concerned. Stereotypes that do appear have roots in 1950‘s nostalgia more than commentary on enduring sexism.

For example, the Sole Survivor‘s murdered lawyer wife in Fallout 4 becomes a heroic infantryman husband if you play as female. Curie‘s embodiment in a female synth form adheres to familiar tropes of docile femininity. Is that reflective of the writer‘s inherent biases? Likely so.

But on the whole, the series avoids relegating women to distressed damsels in need of saving. Complex figures like Elder Veronica Santangelo, Lily Bowen and Cait round out the cast with their own multidimensional motives and inner turmoil.

This contrasts sharply with the endemic misogyny built into earlier CRPG hallmarks like Baldur‘s Gate, which literally attributed charisma penalties to female characters! So while far from perfect in representation, Fallout games empower women vastly more than predecessors. We well deserve to keep blazing trails across the wastes!

Why We Can‘t Get Enough Of Post-Nuclear Roleplaying

For devoted Fallout fans like myself, New Vegas represents the pinnacle of hardcore open world freedom. I‘ll personally never tire of wandering between diluted ruins, instigating anarchy, and uncovering occult secrets.

Each new build lets me inhabit an alternate identity and philosophy missing in mundane reality. Will I play the next run as an avenging angel or calculating villain? Do I crave harnessing seductive femme fatale energy or rugged mysterious stranger mojo?

The possibilities are endless, no matter the Courier‘s gender. And there‘s something deliciously taboo about wielding devastation in such a bleakly cynical environment. It‘s like The Road Warrior turned civilization simulator.

Few works of fiction can spur such potent self-examination of one‘s principles. That‘s why we remain helplessly drawn to tales of death and rebirth painted across the atomic ashes. War – war never changes. But perhaps through New Vegas, we still can!

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