You Absolutely Can Become a Werewolf in ESO at No Cost

Before getting into the details – yes, you can obtain lycanthropy and embrace your inner beast fully for free in The Elder Scrolls Online. No Crown Store purchases or paid DLC required!

Gifting werewolf bites has become common courtesy in the ESO community for those fortunate enough to have crossed paths with a rare wolf spawn. And questing can put that precious Sanies Lupinus disease right in your veins. Read on for how to score that free furry form!

Method 1: Receive an Infection from Another Player

  • Odds: Very good! Many friendly players wait to pay blessings forward.
  • Risk: Minimal. Verify their legitimacy first.
  • Cost: Nothing but gratitude. Tips welcome, not required.

Once someone acquires the 3-day npc disease themselves, they can then pass it to others via a "werewolf bite." Friendly high level players often linger around shrines waiting for willing recipients.

But beware of scammers! Verify your benefactor‘s purity by checking their standing within prominent player guilds. Have they helped squad-mates before without issue? Do they have a proven reputation for trustworthy bites? If unsure, it never hurts to ask around.

Should all check out, complete the brief ritual under moonlight and await your initial transformation shortly after! Then seek out guidance from experienced pack members on mastering your newfound powers.

<Varensia> "I‘ve got a spare werewolf bite I‘d love to give if anyone is interested! Hit me up here or meet me by the Bankorai shrine around 8pm EST."

<Naumay> "Hey all, calling on those amazing WW vets who helped me out when I first turned. I now have the ability to pass along the blessing to someone new!"

Method 2: Catch the Sanies Lupinus Disease from an NPC Werewolf

  • Odds: Roughly 10-20% per encounter
  • Risk: Battling a tough foe solo; Survival not guaranteed
  • Cost: Repair bills if they get some nasty blows in

On certain nights, savage exemplars of Hircine‘s hounds prowl the shadows in Reaper‘s March, The Rift, or Bangkorai. Landing but a single hit on a hapless traveler passes their torturous curse – but these beasts do not aim to infect lightly. Prepare for a gruesome fight to the death should you cross one‘s path!

Stalk the moonlit trails on dates around the full moon at peak transformation hours between 10pm – 2am. An ill-fated few may encounter the burning eyes of the wolf through sheer misfortune. But targeting areas known to occasionally host their kind will increase odds substantially.

Of course, myths speak of alchemists who have honed IV drips of werewolf blood to sell for a staggering price. But debating such rumors is better left to the Bars and Taverns, no?

*Confirmed NPC Werewolf Spawn Points*

The Rift
    - Pinepeak Cavern
    - Fallowstone Hall
    - Giant‘s Run

   - Hall of the Dead
   - Viridian Watch

Reaper‘s March
   - Do‘Krin Monastery
   - Dawnmead
   - Jodewood

Method 3: Follow the Companions Questline

  • Odds: Guaranteed! But longer quest route.
  • Risk: Moderate foe battles; Manageable for most
  • Cost: Time, effort, soul gems – a hero‘s typical concerns

Not up for holding out hope as you meander across the lands? Prefer a tried and true method? The legendary guild known as The Companions located in Whiterun hold the gift of Hircine within their precious Underforge.

Seek out Kodlak and prove your honor by ascending the faction ranks through deeds only a warrior of your caliber could accomplish. As trusted inner Circle members, the gift shall be yours in due time.

Just know that this path often binds your soul to the Daedric Prince responsible for the very curse itself. And a hero‘s work is never quite finished – the glory comes bundled together with new burdens after all. Are you prepared to join that esteemed legacy?

The Companions Inner Circle

- Vilkas
- Farkas 
- Aela 
- Skjor
- Kodlak Whitemane

But for those yearning for the beast within now, know it shall be granted in time through due dedication.

You‘ve acquired the lycanthropy blessing (or curse, depending who you ask in town) at no coin cost. Huzzah! Now – what next?

Rank Up Your Werewolf Skill Line

As you build up the werewolf skill line, more deadly abilities will unlock. Bolster your hide‘s resistance, summon wild spirit animals, or enhance that lethal pounce with magical fury. The path you take depends on your playstyle – select what synergizes best as you turn more feral through experience.

QUEST – Take Down the Silver Hand

Once initiated into the Companions inner Circle, this branch of main story quests continues your journey by necessitating the silver weapons group‘s demolition after they hunt you down. And they pursued such lofty goals before as well – their history with the Companions runs dark…and bloody.

Acquire Set Gear to Boost Werewolf Performance

  • Selene – Strong stamina set perfect for werewolf DPS needs
  • Vampiric Dragonstar Arena Sets – Unique effects upon transforming
  • PvP Sets (Virulent Shot, Hemorrhage, Wilderqueen etc.) – Extra resistance & regen

Now get out there and unleash the beast! We all have a little wild side within waiting for its chance to shine under moonlight.

Hope you‘ve enjoyed this guide to becoming a werewolf within Elder Scrolls Online at zero cost. Go chase down those kills!

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