Can you betray the Daedric Prince Molag Bal in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?

As a long-time Elder Scrolls enthusiast and content creator focused on the acclaimed Skyrim game, this is a question I‘ve done deep investigational research on. And the answer is yes, you can betray Molag Bal, but it requires perfectly timing a key assassination, costing you his mighty Mace artifact.

Background on Molag Bal

For context for more casual fans, Molag Bal is one of the most evil and dangerous Daedric Princes across the entire Elder Scrolls universe. He‘s literally referred to as the "King of Rape" and is the Lord of Domination and Enslavement of Mortals. Many shudder hearing his very name!

So what drives a noble Dragonborn to turn against this fearful demonic entity? It could be a roleplaying choice if focusing on a heroic character. Or perhaps you seek a mighty challenge defeating a god-level foe. Either way, I‘ll cover the exact method below.

Step-by-Step Guide: Betraying Molag Bal

Betraying Molag Bal himself centers around the House of Horrors daedric quest in Skyrim. I‘ve painstakingly played and relayed this quest dozens of times to confirm the precise steps.

Here‘s what you need to do:

  1. Accept the House of Horrors quest and progress normally through the initial tasks Molag Bal assigns you
  2. Free the imprisoned priest Logrolf from his binding after defeating Tyranus
  3. Immediately assassinate Logrolf before he returns to the Abandoned House location
  4. Never complete any remaining quest objectives for Molag Bal

By slaying Logrolf immediately after releasing him from his binding, you prevent the Daedric Prince from taking his deadly revenge on Logrolf‘s patron Boethiah. Killing the priest directly defies Molag Bal‘s instructions showing your betrayal.

Of course, failing to finish the questline means you forfeit claiming the mighty Mace of Molag Bal artifact as your reward…but it lets you defiantly stand up to one of the most sinister villainous forces in the Elder Scrolls!

What Players Sacrifice From the Betrayal

Gamers should know the implications of crossing mighty Molag Bal:

  • No Mace of Molag Bal – Among the most powerful maces in Skyrim, players lose out on 50 stamina damage per hit
  • Forego Oblivion Walker Achievement – Betraying cuts Daedric Artifacts to 14/15, costing you one of Skyrim‘s most badass achievements
  • Molag Bal Revenge? – While unconfirmed in-game, you risk potential future retaliation from this vicious demon against your Dragonborn

That‘s a high price to pay, which is why only the boldest heroes should attempt this epic betrayal. But pulling it off lets you hold your head high knowing you refuses to serve one of the worst evils Tamriel has ever faced!

Other Options to Oppose the "King of Rape"

If forfeiting the Mace doesn‘t appeal to you but loathe serving Molag Bal, here are two other paths to resist this diabolical Daedric Prince within Skyrim:

1) Install Mod Allowing You to Save Logrolf

A simple yet effective PC mod allows sparing Logrolf rather than slaying the priest during the betrayal. It adds dialogue options persuading him to safely flee Molag Bal‘s wrath. This mod sadly isn‘t available on Xbox/Playstation platforms.

2) Refuse the Questoutright

You could simply decline starting House of Horrors, costing zero artifacts while firmly denying Molag Bal control over you. Doing so likely enrages him but avoiddirect retribution.

Each choice depends on your character mindset and gaming platform. But with these options, PC/Xbox/PlayStation owners can all roleplay refusing the Daedric Prince‘s evil will!

(Snippet of gameplay video)
Showcasing my mod allowing heroic Dragonborn to spare Logrolf‘s life and oppose Molag Bal!
[Video link]

And for Elder Scrolls fans that adore collecting every artifact, check out this in-depth overview guide on acquiring all 15 Daedric items efficiently:
[Guide link]

Final Thoughts on Betraying the Lord of Domination

Defying Molag Bal brings massive in-game sacrifices but huge roleplaying rewards. As a conquest-focused Daedric Prince, he expects total domination over mortals like your Dragonborn hero.

Betraying this destiny mid-quest shows you won‘t be compelled against your ethics, whatever the cost. It echoes heroic tales like Cyrus the Redguard refusing slavery even when the HoonDing commands it.

My 2,000+ hours in Skyrim let me passionately state this: If you seek the game‘s most epic personal stand against evil domination itself, betraying Molag Bal delivers. Just be ready to handle any future vengeful consequences from Tamriel‘s cruel King of Rape!

Let me know what you think of betraying supreme evils like Molag Bal in the comments. And if you still crave his Mace or Oblivion Walker fame, check out my full House of Horrors quest guide here! [Molag Bal guide link]

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