Can You Break Up and Get Back Together with Petra in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

As a hardcore AC gamer since the first title’s release in 2007, romance options have always played a key part in my full immersion and enjoyment of the historical settings. With the new open-world mechanics introduced in Valhalla, I’ve been especially keen to test the limits of just how dynamic relationships can be across this sweeping Viking epic.

So let’s dive deep on the critical question I had going in: can you break up with Petra and still reignite the romance down the line if you change your mind?

Yes, You Can Break Up and Get Back Together with Petra

To establish the bottom line answer up front – yes, you absolutely can end your relationship with Petra Venj at any time once you start it, and still rekindle the flame later on. There is no limit to the number of times you might break up and make up across the 60+ hour Valhalla saga.

This degree of flexibility and control over Eivor’s love life is a major innovation for the series. Past titles have included romantic diversions, but offered little opportunity to revisit failed flings or second chances with botched relationships. With Petra and longship crewmate Tarben specifically, Valhalla introduces “permanent” romance options while allowing players to erase that status after the fact if desired.

Progressing the Petra Romance Arc

To access the chance to romance Petra in the first place, you’ll first need to construct the Ravensthorpe settlement after pledging to Grantebridgecire, Ledecestrescire, and East Anglia. Petra only arrives after the settlement is established.

From there, you must complete two short side quests with Petra to trigger the romantic plot line:

  • A Bloody Welcome – Help Petra track down her missing crew
  • Tilting the Balance – Assist Petra in recovering cargo from bandits

Only after finishing both quests will Petra invite Eivor on an archery challenge date the next time you return to the settlement. Choose the flirtatious dialogue paths during the activity, and Petra will ultimately confess her romantic interest in Eivor.

You can then decide if Eivor reciprocates, entering into the permanent relationship with Petra. I strongly recommend accepting if you don’t have another romance locked in, as Petra‘s confident charm is an excellent fit for Eivor‘s bold spirit.

Breaking Up and Getting Back Together with Petra

Even once you’ve committed to an exclusive partnership with Petra, Valhalla gives you the flexibility to call it off. Simply return to Ravensthorpe’s longhouse quarters and interact to select the “End things with Petra” dialogue.

Eivor will reluctantly break the news of the dissolution. It’s an emotional scene, but Petra ultimately accepts the decision with poise – and leaves the door open down the line.

Later on, when you’re ready, chatting with Petra again provides the prompt to rekindle the flame. She agrees to pick up right where you left off with no hard feelings.

Once you affirm the renewed relationship, Petra resumes permanent romance status. You canrepeat this cycle of breaking up and reconciling indefinitely throughout your long Viking conquest.

Optimal Romancing Strategy

Based on my testing across three full playthroughs, I definitely recommend locking into the Petra relationship whenever possible. As your settlement‘s Huntsman, her company provides excellent bonuses to range damage and resource generation efficiency. As your heartmate, Petra‘s bold spirit and sarcastic charm make for an excellent companion in bed and battle.

The only times I suggest breaking it off are when narrative commitments dictate otherwise. For example, agreeing to an exclusive partnership with crewmate Tarben during his loyalty mission locks you out of Petra as an option for the remainder of that play.

But otherwise, keeping Petra consistently in the flame-fueled fling state provides the best balance of advantage, enjoyment and flexibility across the sweeping Valhalla saga. Just be sure to avoid any messy love triangles diverting attention from the glory of conquest!

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