Can You Breed Spiritomb? A Trainer‘s Complete Guide

As longtime Pokemon enthusiasts know, Spiritomb has always been an elusive species to attain. With its ominous backstory of containing 108 malevolent spirits, it‘s no surprise that Spiritomb has never been easy to find or breed traditionally. Fortunately, modern games have made significant strides around capturing methods with welcome breeding improvements too.

So can you actually breed Spiritomb reliably? The straightforward answer is yes – Spiritomb does belong to a defined egg group per the mechanics introduced in Diamond & Pearl which opened up breeding capabilities. However, variations exist across titles, especially the Sinnoh remakes, that impact factors like egg cycles and shiny rates.

Let‘s analyze the doomed outcast Spiritomb in detail so you can dominate breeding this versatile Ghost/Dark combatant. Consider me your Spiritomb breeding master to consult!

The Myth of Spiritomb and Why It Defied Breeding

Spiritomb‘s concept stems from an old Japanese legend where a forbidden spell sealed 108 malevolent spirits inside an Odd Keystone. This raucous entity became known as the Forbidden Pokémon to be feared.

Early Diamond & Pearl interpretations stayed consistent with this ominous background – only a single Spiritomb could be summoned after an arduous unlock process. Without standard encountering in the wild, breeding inevitably seemed implausible.

But the introduction of egg groups in breeding mechanics meant Spiritomb finally joined a compatible group. Let‘s explore specifics now that this forbidden beast can populate your pastures!

Spiritomb Egg Group, Gender Ratios, and Breeding Compatibility

  • Egg Group:
    • Indeterminate
  • Gender Ratio:
    • 50% Male/Female
  • Breeding Compatibility:
    • Field, Monster Groups
    • Ditto

Aligned to the Indeterminate egg group, Spiritomb fits with other quirky Ghost, Dark and Psychic types. This means viable breeding partners include the Gastly, Grimer, Gothita, and Elgyem evolutionary lines.

With an even 50/50 male/female gender split, Spiritomb can mate with any opposite gender monster in its group or Ditto as usual.

For collectors aiming for egg move combos or competitive natures, the Field and Monster groups also offer useful Spiritomb pairings – consider parents like Trevenant, Haunter, Sableye or Krookodile.

Now let‘s break down key breeding particulars.

Optimal Spiritomb Breeding Partners anddeserialized:

While Spiritomb breeds under standard rules, these species stand out as exceptional partners:

DittoBreeds with all Pokemon plus Destiny Knot transfers IVs
IndeedeePsychic Terrain matches Spiritomb‘s typing
MandibuzzRelaxed nature suits defensive sets
Murkrow or HonchkrowProvides Punishment egg move for coverage

Spiritomb Egg Cycles, Hatch Steps, and Shiny Rates

Now let‘s quantify Spiritomb‘s breeding stats – after 100+ rotten spirits stewing underground for 500 years, precise incubation planning seems wise!

  • Base Egg Cycles to Hatch: 21 cycles
  • Steps to Hatch (w/ Flame Body): ~5,250 steps
  • Shiny Odds (Masuda + Charm): 1 in 512

With 21 required cycles from spawn to hatch, Spiritomb falls on the higher side – so plan for some long walks! Utilize steam baths like the Solaceon Day Care for efficiency.

For shiny hunters, the standard 1 in 512 baseline with Masuda and Shiny Charm stays consistent across modern games. Keep those foreign Dittos handy for Spiritomb shiny egg grinding.

Next up, Let‘s discuss some spin-off considerations.

Breeding Spiritomb in Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl and Legends: Arceus

The Gen 4 remakes Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl retconned certain Spiritomb acquisition methods but kept breeding fully intact:

  • Available earlier pre-National Dex via new Grand Underground capture mechanic
  • Can breed normally as a female evolutionary line member

Legends: Arceus handled Spiritomb quite differently as an ancient Hisuian variant roaming the Crimson Mirelands. Befriending then becomes the only option, no breeding or gender.

But via connectivity, transferring Hisuian Spiritomb eggs INTO BDSP opens very cool possibilities! Masuda Method shiny hunt away on this elusive past form.

Breeding Recap: Mastering Spiritomb Inheritance

After reviewing Spiritomb conception myths to modern breeding mechanics, let‘s recap key insights:

  • Spiritomb joins the versatile Indeterminate egg group
  • Look to Ghost, Dark or Psychic partners for moveset compatibility
  • Standard gender ratio permits traditional pairings plus Ditto
  • Higher base egg cycles but competitive stats when optimized
  • Shiny breeding remains a grind but glory awaits perseverant trainers!

I hope this complete framework helps satisfy all your Spiritomb breeding ambitions. May those 108 wretched souls serve you well in all your battling conquests to come! This is】 signing off.

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