Can You Buy Multiple Plots of Land in Skyrim?

Yes, you can purchase all three available plots of land for homesteading in Skyrim‘s Hearthfire DLC. This allows you to handpick locations across different holds, construct fully customizable homesteads, and become a true real estate mogul.

Section 1 – Up to 3 Homestead Locations Can Be Purchased

There are three distinct plots of land opened up for sale by completing quests for specific Jarls:

  • Lakeview Manor – South of Falkreath, beautiful mountain views
  • Windstad Manor – Marshlands northeast of Hjaalmarch, ominous ambience
  • Heljarchen Hall – Snowy tundra plains near Whiterun, close to villages

You are able to buy and develop all three locations over time. Hearthfire does not restrict you to just one homestead plot. Having all three established provides massive amounts of display space for rare gear like Daedric artifacts, space to store valuable crafting materials, room for trophy rooms packed with weapon racks and mounted creatures, and housing for up to six adopted children.

Section 2 – Earning a Jarl‘s Trust To Purchase Land

Before a plot of land can be bought, you first need to complete certain favors or quests for that region‘s Jarl. This is to gain their trust and respect.

For example, Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath requires you to wipe out a troublesome bandit leader at Knifepoint Ridge before his steward will agree to sell the plot that becomes Lakeview Manor. Similarly, helping out citizens in need, assisting the Jarl‘s court wizard, or completing side quests like recovering lost relics could all potentially lead to the offer to purchase land as well.

Once you receive confirmation the Jarl looks favorably upon you, speak to their steward to officially buy a plot of land for 5000 gold.

Section 3 – Customizing and Building Up Your Homesteads

All three plots are extremely bare bones at first, giving you a tiny campsite with just an unupgradeable bed roll and campfire. Constructing crafting stations, furnishings, additions like greenhouses and fish hatcheries, as well as having housecarls move in will cost extra.

However, fully upgrading even one homestead easily runs over 100,000 gold for all possible additions across the main hall, exterior, and basement. As a passionate gamer myself, I highly recommend buying all land plots early if possible and slowly investing gold into building them up as funds allow.

Each location has specialized features you can construct as well – Lakeview has a fish hatchery and greenhouse, Windstad also gets a hatchery and alchemy lab supplies, while Heljarchen offers grain processing and beekeeping facilities.

Section 4 – Strategic Reasons To Own All Three Plots

Completionist Appeal – Hardcore fans want to fully experience everything Hearthfire has to offer. Building out all three distinct customizable homesteads in different Hold themes appeals greatly if you want 100% completion.

Maximizing Wealth – Upgrading profitable features like apiaries, mills, greenhouses and fish hatcheries allows you to harvest extremely valuable crafting ingredients and processed goods regularly. Lakeview Manor‘s greenhouse and hatchery combo produces absurd amounts of potion ingredients.

Hoarding Loot – All combined, the potential storage space between all three homes gives you somewhere to stash literally every unique item, set of armor, weapon, and crafting component possible. Perfect for diehard hoarders!

I highly recommend purchasing all three plots of land in Skyrim‘s Hearthfire DLC if you have the gold. Doing so allows you to become a real estate mogul, showing your influence across different Holds while constructing fully customized, profitable homesteads to store a lifetime‘s worth of treasure and artifacts from your adventures. Pick them up early and build out your empire across the land!


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