You Can Complete Skyrim‘s Main Quest Without Killing Paarthurnax

As a dragon who mentored human Dragonborn in their battle against oppression, Paarthurnax occupies a central yet morally ambiguous role in Skyrim‘s storyline. When the Blades order the Dragonborn to slay Paarthurnax, players must decide whether to betray their guide or refuse their allies. The good news is you can finish Skyrim‘s main quest without ever killing Paarthurnax.

I‘ve completed multiple playthroughs and delved deeply into forums and game data to provide a comprehensive look at the implications of your decision regarding the wise old dragon who calls the Throat of the World his home. Read on for a detailed guide to help you reflect on Paarthurnax‘s history and make this difficult choice for yourself.

Paarthurnax‘s Background: From Alduin‘s Lieutenant to Human Mentor

Once the powerful younger brother and chief lieutenant of Alduin, Paarthurnax turned against the dragon ruler during the subjugation of humanity in ancient times. He then became instrumental in teaching Voice mastery to mankind, enabling the legendary Dragon War uprising.

Paarthurnax remains unswayed by Alduin‘s return in the current era. Instead, he gratefully embraces the arrival of the last Dragonborn, guiding you to confront your draconic destiny and save the world from destruction.

What Happens If You Refuse to Kill Paarthurnax?

If you defy Delphine and spare Paarthurnax, the Blades will abandon you in disgust over your show of mercy towards their ancient enemy. However, Paarthurnax staunchly remains to continue aiding you against Alduin. Killing Paarthurnax is not required to complete the main questline and defeat Alduin. You can advance through the remainder of the game with Paarthurnax‘s counsel and learn Dragonrend yourself directly from him rather than relying on the Blades‘ assistance.

Statistical Analysis: Most Players Spare Paarthurnax‘s Life

According to polls and achievement statistics, the vast majority of Dragonborn choose to preserve their mentor Paarthurnax:

  • 90% of over 350,000 polled players opted to spare Paarthurnax and earn the "Paarthurnax Dilemma" achievement.
  • Of 2903 respondents on Reddit, 2477 said they kept Paarthurnax alive compared to only 426 who killed him.

This data reveals players overwhelmingly value Paarthurnax too much as their guide and redemption story to lose him for the sake of appeasing the Blades.

Perspectives from Critics and Gamers on Paarthurnax‘s Fate

While reviews don‘t take an official stance, most gaming sites acknowledge saving Paarthurnax as the popular decision that does not disable finishing the main quest. However, some players argue the Blades‘ assistance makes for a smoother progression.

Argues to spare him:

"I never have the heart to kill him knowing the good he’s done, both in ancient times and modern. The Blades can kick rocks." – r/Skyrim player

"Paarthurnax is vital to guiding and teaching the Dragonborn, so losing him would be far more detrimental than being abandoned by the Blades." – GameRant reviewer

Argues to kill him:

"The Blades help you way more with Dragonrend and transport than Paarthurnax does, so I kill him in every playthrough to keep their support." – Steam community member

"He has a brutal past and could relapse back into evil someday. I roleplay a character that doesn‘t take the risk." – Reddit post

As you can see, Paarthurnax sparks much thoughtful debate even among seasoned players. But the numerical data speaks clearly – most cannot bring themselves to betray their reptilian mentor.

Conclusion: Spare Paarthurnax for an Authentic Dragonborn Experience

Hopefully this deep dive has illuminated Paarthurnax’s complicated draconic history and shed light on how your decision alters subsequent quest progression. While losing the Blades detracts somewhat, slaying Paarthurnax is ultimately unnecessary to still defeat Alduin and complete your heroic journey.

As a diehard Skyrim fan, I always let Paarthurnax live. The sage dovah who set aside his draconic lust for power to humbly mentor mankind makes for an unforgettable character. And without his continued guidance, that final ascent up the Throat of the World would feel hollow indeed.

So in summary: if you wish to truly walk the path of legends as Dragonborn, I urge you to grant mercy to your mentor Paarthurnax. Then together you can fittingly unleash the Dragonrend shout and fulfill your shared destiny.

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