Hey fellow gamers, can you really connect 5 controllers to a PS4?

I‘ve been getting this question a lot lately as more awesome 4+ multiplayer games release on the PS4.

So let‘s dig into the details and talk through your options!

Straight answer: Nope🙅‍♂️

Unfortunately, the PS4 caps out at supporting 4 wireless controllers connected via Bluetooth simultaneously. This is a hardware limitation in the PS4‘s Bluetooth radio itself.

So getting 5+ controllers synced up at the same time isn‘t going happen. Sony locked that down during manufacturing to save costs.

But don‘t fret! With some creative thinking and controller swapping tactics, you can totally game out in style with all your best buds.

What Sony says about PS4 controllers

Per Sony‘s own PS4 manuals, here‘s the down low:

You can use up to 4 wireless controllers at the same time. When you press the PS button, the light bar will glow in a uniquely assigned color. The first controller to connect is blue, with subsequent controllers glowing red, green, and pink.

So their official word is 4 paired devices max.

DualShock 4 vs DualSense on PS4

Now you can mix-and-match pairings across DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers in any combo.

The PS4 treats them the same, so no advantage in cramming in extra DualSense gamepads alone. Still capped at 4 total across both.

But for PS5 owners playing the awesome PS4 back catalog, using those fancy haptic feedback controllers is still sweet🤘

Other consoles comparison

For context around other systems:

  • PS5: 7 simultaneous Bluetooth controllers
  • Nintendo Switch: 8 controllers supported
  • Xbox Series X: 8 controllers at once

So why only 4 on PS4? Likely a cost and parts issue at manufacturing scale. 😕

Getting tricky with more than 4 players

Now just because you can‘t sync more than 4 controllers simultaneously doesn‘t mean you can‘t have seat-swapping 5 player Mario Kart sessions!

Here‘s some tips for gaming out in style with your whole posse:

  • Take turns in king-of-the-hill style as you pass around the 4 paired controllers
  • Designate a "shift swap" after each race, death, level etc to cycle new players in
  • For party games like That‘s You, build prompts for "the audience" to answer as controllers get passed around

So with some coordination, you can totally rock out beyond the 4 player limit!

Not as seamless as having 5+ wireless pads synced. But where there‘s a will – and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew – there‘s a way!

Let me if you have any other questions around setting up killer couch multiplayer sessions on PS4! 😁

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