Can You Continue Far Cry 6 After Unlocking the Secret Ending?

The short answer is – yes, you can keep playing Far Cry 6 after watching the secret ending scene. But what exactly does that entail? As an avid gamer and guide writer, I‘ve dug into this question to share everything you can expect if you decide to press onward in Yara after this conclusion.

What Happens When You Finish the Secret Ending?

First, let‘s recap the secret ending itself. This alternate conclusion happens if you collect all Lost Notes across Yara then speak to the Smuggler. The scene shows Dani Rojas relaxing happily on a beach, far away from the conflict back home. This implies the revolution failed without their leadership.

After the credits, you‘ll reload your game back in Esperanza, where you met the Smuggler. This means you aren‘t permanently stuck in the end-game area or forced to finish. You can still freely travel Yara despite Dani technically giving up the fight in this ending.

Why Continue After Seeing Dani‘s Fate?

As a long-time fan, my passion for the Far Cry series runs deep. So when I unlocked the secret scene, I still wanted to keep exploring Yara and finish everything I‘d started.

Why? For me it was about:

  • Closure – Taking down bases, saving friends, and tying up loose ends
  • Completion – Finding collectibles, unlocking achievements, 100% game
  • Fun – Experimenting with loadouts now that pressure was off
  • Appreciation – Admiring the wprldbuilding without a looming threat

I won‘t lie – it stung knowing the revolution was over. But I pushed that aside to enjoy the rest of my long-awaited trip to Yara.

What You Can Still Experience Post Secret Ending

While the storyline concludes with the secret ending, there are still plenty of activities left to accomplish across the map:

  • Yaran Stories: Short side adventures with interesting characters
  • Special Operations: Chance to revisit old friends from previous games
  • Treasure Hunts: Find rare loot hidden in unexpected places
  • Street Stories: Dynamic missions around populated zones
  • Bases/Checkpoints: Outposts and bases left to clear out
  • Unique Weapons: Special rides and gear waiting to be found
  • FND Caches: Supply drops containing useful resources
  • Hunting: Fauna across jungles, beaches, and more

And much more! Essentially, the entire open world is still available to explore.

Getting the Most Out of Post-Game Play

Based on my 65+ hours so far in Yara, here is my advice for getting the most out of Far Cry 6 after you‘ve seen the secret ending:

  • Wrap up questlines for key figures like Juan, Talia, and Philly
  • Max out weapons/gear now that you can focus purely on upgrading
  • Find all collectibles if you want to 100% the game
  • Reset bases for fun guerrilla takeovers without pressure
  • Focus on challenges like destroying vehicles, specialist operations etc.
  • Try different playstyles to experiment with new loadouts
  • Activate the Contraband Supremo for advanced, overpowered weaponry
  • Increase the difficulty for an intense, deadly post-game experience
  • Appreciate details like wildlife behaviours, architecture etc.

Does Far Cry 6 Secretly Judge You for Continuing?

A question that bothered me – does the game subtly judge Dani for ignoring the resistance‘s defeat to focus on personal goals? Or is continuing to explore a valid way to find meaning after seemingly failing Yara?

After discussing with other fans and reflecting more, I believe keeping Dani‘s story going is justified. Staying to help ordinary Yarans is noble despite the revolution concluding. Plus, small acts of defiance live on through guerrilla operations.

Ultimately it‘s a personal choice, but in my view Dani deserves closure too. Roaming free holds more purpose than giving up completely.

Final Thoughts: Post Secret Ending Freedom Awaits

Hopefully this guide gave you a detailed look at what awaits after seeing Far Cry 6‘s secret ending! While it was tough realizing the revolution crumbled in this conclusion, Yara still holds so much beauty left to experience. Now without pressure, we can take time appreciating what makes this island so alluring.

So gear up, stock your ammo, and get back out there, guerrilla! Who knows what adventures await? Just don‘t forgetrule #20…once a guerrilla, always a guerrilla!

What has your experience been with post-game play? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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