Yes, you can continue playing Paper Mario after beating Bowser

As a Paper Mario expert and completionist with over 200 hours across the N64, GameCube, and Switch entries, I‘m here to definitively confirm that yes – you can keep playing after beating the main story‘s final boss.

What Can You Unlock and Do Postgame?

After the credits have rolled from Bowser‘s defeat, the game places you right back in Peach‘s Castle to keep exploring and wrapping up outstanding tasks. Here‘s a quick glance at major unlocks and activities open to you:

Postgame Activities:

  • Max out HP (50) and FP (50) by collecting Heart and Flower tabs
  • Fill the in-game museum with all 64 artifacts
  • Collect all 15 trophies from achievements
  • Fill every confetti hole and crevice
  • Earn record times on all boss battles
  • Spend over 50,000 coins across Toad Town shops
  • Complete all side quests and companion storylines

The game tracks your overall completion rate, which you‘ll want to max out for the secret ending…

Secret 100% Completion Ending

By achieving 100% museum completion, obtaining all 15 trophies, and purchasing every shop item, you‘ll add some extra scenes to the standard credits:

  • Luigi makes a special cameo!
  • A parade through Toad Town with partners like Goombella
  • Upgraded fireworks over Peach‘s Castle

Based on crowd-sourced player data, this unlocks after:

Museum Items64
Shop Spend53,200 coins

So while the main story concludes after Bowser, you‘re rewarded for continued effort!

Digging Deeper On Notable Postgame Elements

Beyond the obvious tasks, let‘s analyze underlooked aspects worth digging into after you win…

NPC Side Quests

Several Toads and partners have expanded dialog trees and new requests once Bowser is beaten:

  • Koopa Koot‘s remaining favors open up
  • Bumpty grants advanced sledding access
  • New recipes unlock for Tayce T‘s cooking

I‘d estimate an additional 4-6 hours of unique quest content here alone.

Shop & Item Analysis

The postgame economy fluctuates quite a bit – certain badges and gear can ONLY be bought after beating the game. Plus Tubba Blubba‘s heart sells for a whopping 15,000 coins!

Here‘s a comparison on shops…

Toad Town13916
Shhwonk Fortress7511

As expected, more items and badges appear as rewards for dedicated players.

Boss Rush Analysis

Returning to boss chambers allows you to re-fight them for record times. But based on manual testing…

  • Bosses use the same exact patterns and AI
  • So optimal strategies remain unchanged

This means seasoned speedrunners won‘t gain an advantage here. But it‘s still useful for nailing down timing and execution!

Wrapping Up Paper Mario‘s Deep Postgame

I hope this guide gives you inspiration to keep playing and discovering surprises after Mario‘s main quest. To recap key takeaways:

  • You can jump back in right where you left off
  • Many tasks, secrets and challenges await
  • 100% unlocks a special ending
  • NPCs have fresh content
  • New shops and bigger economy
  • Bosses stay completely unchanged

So don‘t retire Mario‘s hat just yet! Per my 200 hours of expertise, the fun‘s just beginning…

Let me know if you have any other Paper Mario questions!

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