Can you crossplay Evil West PS4 to PS5?

As a hardcore Evil West fan eagerly awaiting some undead-hunting action with my buddies, I‘ve been digging relentlessly for an answer on one key question – can PS4 cowpokes join up with PS5 pardners?

Sad to say, that crossplay dream seems unlikely. ☚ī¸ At launch, publisher Focus Entertainment made no mention of crossplay support on their official channels or even dev interviews. So joining the fray across console generations remains an elusive feature for now.

But don‘t put away those saddlebag smartphones just yet! There‘s still a glimmer of hope on the horizon thanks to recent industry trends and some technical optimism from yours truly. So before you cancel the pony express, let‘s get into the details…

What We Know So Far

Digging through the official press assets, Evil West gameplay trailers, and Focus announcements unearths zero confirmation of the key crossplay ability for PS4 and PS5. Generally, that silence speaks volumes:

Moreover, the 40-person Flying Wild Hog dev team has focused comments exclusively on the core gameplay experience rather than multiplayer features. Past titles like Shadow Warrior 3 never received crossplay patches either despite strong co-op incentives:

And industry pot stirrers have already deemd crossplay support to be KIA before even leaving the stables:

So by all insider accounts, keeping your PS4 and PS5 undead hunter gangs separated is the sad promoter‘s verdict for now. đŸ˜ĸ

Reading Between the Fine Print

"But hold them horses!" I yell in a thick cowboy drawl, pushing up my tinted gamer glasses. The clues here simply don‘t add up – there‘s more than meets the eye on this myster.

See, enabling crossplay requires navigating a tangled mess of business policies, technical debt, and release schedules. As an industry vet, let me decode the key factors:

  • Generation Upgrades Drive PS5 Sales: Financially, PlayStation prefers driving next-gen adoption over convenience.
  • Small Team, Big Lift: Supporting crossplay takes resources small teams like Flying Wild Hog lack post-launch.
  • Native Xbox Advantage: Microsoft‘s ecosystem intrinsically supports cross-gen without extra effort.
  • So while motivations align AGAINST crossplay, the stars can shift quickly. Community feedback changes roadmaps all the time!

    And digging into Evil West specifically produces some encouraging clues:

    See that? Custom character progress doesn‘t carry between generations already! That implies PS4 and PS5 players are likely connecting to the same online environment.

    So is full crossplay being disabled intentionally rather than technically? That‘s a policy change rather than months of engineering work!

    The Verdict – For Now

    At the end of the day, the hard evidence proves promoter consensus – no PS4 to PS5 support exists TODAY.

    But technologically? I believe those saloon doors are already revolving behind the scenes. And some choice community pressure could inspire Focus Entertainment to whip up a solution faster than an angry rattlesnake! 🐍

    So while keeping hopes dim, I recommend every PS4 cowpoke bands together to get our voices heard LOUD and clear. Tweet @EvilWestGame! Comment on 343 Focus blog posts! Send strongly worded telegrams!

    Maybe, just maybe, we can manifest a crossplay content update to bring the entire Evil West community together. After all, no zombie horde stands a chance against our combined cavalry onslaught! 🤠

    So I‘ll keep this lasso hoisted high, waiting to rope in that first sign of incoming good news. Got any insider whispers or workaround tricks? Let this desperado know below! Happy trails! 🤠

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