Can you delete your Master Duel account and start over?

As a long-time Yu-Gi-Oh fan and content creator focused on the Master Duel scene, one of the most common questions I get is: can you reset your account and start over if you mess up your early progression?

The short answer is yes, you can delete your existing Master Duel account and restart. However, the exact method depends on which platform you play on.

Deleting Master Duel on Steam

For the approximately 65% of MD players on PC, going through Steam, you have a couple of options:

  • Delete your Konami ID to reset account data. You‘ll lose all progression but retain any money spent.
  • Create a brand new Steam account and redownload Master Duel. This separates your profile completely.

Based on data, over 273,000 Master Duel players are active on Steam concurrently during peaks. Many of them have asked my thoughts on restarting.

In my opinion, the 2nd method allows you to keep your original account as a fallback, which I would recommend. Storage space is cheap, and you never know when you might want to revert to that first account down the road.

Resetting Master Duel on Nintendo Switch

For Switch specifically, here is how you can delete your local save data to restart MD from scratch:

  1. Go to System Settings > Data Management > Delete Save Data
  2. Find Master Duel and delete the associated save file

Pretty straightforward! Just be aware this will remove any local account progress and customizations. Your purchases should still be tied to your Nintendo profile.

Restarting Master Duel on iPhone and Android

On mobile, you‘ll need to fully delete and reinstall the Master Duel app to start fresh. Unlike console, you cannot directly reset or delete Konami account data on mobile Master Duel.

So if you wish to restart on mobile, follow these steps:

  1. Delete Master Duel app
  2. Go to App/Play Store and redownload
  3. Enter new Konami ID credentials

Then you‘ll start on a brand new account!

One cool trick for Android users – you can actually run two concurrent Master Duel accounts on a single device. Just toggle the Data Transfer button to easily hop between them.

Vital Info Before You Reset

Before you delete that hard-earned account, make sure you fully understand the impacts:

  • All account progress will be erased – cards, decks, gems, trophies, battle history, etc.
  • Any real money purchases are tied to your platform account, not your MD account data.
  • If your Konami ID links to a real tournament Card Game ID, that could cause issues.

Additionally, remember your account can only stay logged into Master Duel on one device at a time. The saves do sync across platforms though thanks to the cloud.

When to Consider A Fresh Start

As a player who has restarted MD myself, I recommend it in these cases:

  • You are still new and realize you wasted gems on poor packs.
  • You want to reroll placement duels for a higher initial rank.
  • You missed time-limited rewards or event exclusives you want.

A fresh account lets you better optimize decisions with the benefit of experience. By level 15-20, you can have multiple meta decks constructed if you play it right.

Just weigh if losing your current collection is worth it!

Summing It All Up

Master Duel definitely enables you to delete and restart your entire account if you are willing to sacrifice progression. Follow the steps above based on your platform. Consider the pros and cons carefully first!

As someone who has produced lots of newbie guides for MD, I can certainly empathize with players who want to hit the reset button. Learning from your mistakes is all part of the journey to become a top duelist.

Let me know if this guide helps you reset your account. And stay tuned for more Master Duel tips and tricks right here!

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