Demolishing Buildings in Age of Empires II: The Complete Expert Guide

As a passionate Age of Empires II gamer and content creator, I am often asked – can you destroy buildings in Age of Empires 2?

The short answer is yes, you can demolish both enemy and allied structures across all game modes using a variety of demolition tactics.

In this extensive guide, I will cover everything you need to know about efficiently razing buildings as an expert player:

Deleting Your Own Structures

You may need to demolish your existing base structures to reorganize layouts or make space for new buildings.

To delete an allied building, simply select the structure and press the Delete hotkey. A confirmation prompt will appear to prevent misclicks.

Pro Tip: Use Control Groups to quickly select and demolish multiple buildings together.

[Insert image showing deleting buildings]

Attacking Enemy Buildings

To destroy opponent structures, direct your military units to attack the target. Use melee infantry and siege weapons against buildings.

Siege engines like the Battering Ram and Mangonel specialize in structural damage. Read on for more details on utilizing them effectively.

Optimal Siege Weapon Use

Specialized siege units form the backbone of any building demolition force. Here are my top picks:

Battering Rams

[Insert Ram stats table]

Rams can smash through buildings and walls quickly thanks to high HP and armor. Use them to soak damage and deal melee blows.


[Insert Trebs table]

With incredible range and area damage, massed trebuchets will rinse enemy towns before they can react. Keep them safe from cavalry and use Meat Shields.

Siege Towers

[Insert ST stats]

An off-meta choice, but Siege Towers protect your units while unloading waves of infantry into the heart of a base.

Combine different siege engines like Rams to break walls and Trebs to wreck inner structures. This punishing "one-two demolition punch" works wonders!

Supporting Units

Lone siege weapons make easy pickings for enemy anti-siege attacks. Always supplement them with dense Meat Shields, ranged units and mobile response forces:

  • Halberdiers fend off Knight raids
  • Skirmishers neutralize enemy Archers
  • Light Cavalry chase down siege snipers

Mixing unit types is key when razing bases. Utilize attack moves, control groups and hotkeys to coordinate multi-pronged offensives.

Upgrades & Civ Bonuses

At the Blacksmith, research upgrades like Arson (+3 siege damage) and Sappers (+50% siege HP) to significantly boost demolition capacity.

Some civ bonuses also assist in destroying buildings:

  • Spanish Supremacy Villagers do +25% damage
  • Teutonic Fortified Outposts More arrow slits and fire arrows

Combine these effects with mass siege weapons to rapidly erase bases!

Micro Tactics & Analysis

Proper micromanagement takes practice – control mangonel shots, break walls in multiple spots, block enemy reinforcements etc simultaneously.

Make sure to scout and analyze the base layout beforehand. Find ideal entry points through less fortified sections and formulate attack paths focusing on economic or military buildings as required.

[Insert a diagram with attack paths]

On higher difficulties, employ advanced maneuvers like drilling Siege Towers, cutting off reinforcements and distracting opponents effectively.

Destruction in Campaigns

Wonder destruction objectives in several campaign missions introduce unique challenges like time pressure, changing terrain and evolving strongholds.

I have compiled notes on efficiently tackling these objectives across all civilizations:

[Insert table listing wonder destruction tactics for each campaign level]

With the right mix of units, tactics and civ picks – you can become an unstoppable destroyer of buildings in the Age of Empires!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments. I‘d be happy to provide additional insights into decimating structures as an expert player.

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