Can You Do 2 Player Career Mode in FIFA 23?

As a hardcore FIFA gamer and content creator, the first question I had when FIFA 23 was announced was – can you finally team up with a friend for an immersive, long-term club management experience?

And I‘m thrilled to confirm that yes, FIFA 23 introduces a groundbreaking 2 player career mode that lets you control every aspect of your favorite club alongside another manager.

How 2 Player Career Works – Shared Club Vision

The new "Two Player Career" option allows two gamers to take control of the same club. You‘ll both have influence over transfers, tactics, squad selection, and youth development.

There are two formats to choose from:


Take turns serving as club manager each season while your friend watches from the boardroom. Whoever is manager wields ultimate power over signings, formations, and matchday squads.


Truly share manager responsibilities from day one. All decisions must be made mutually in this format. From marquee transfers to late tactical tweaks, you share the same club vision or risk an uneasy partnership!

Immersive, Social Experience

As someone who has managed top clubs for over 800 hours across various FIFA titles, the ability to finally have a friend along for the journey is game changing.

FIFA Career Mode offers one of gaming‘s richest yet often lonely experiences. Sure, you can message friends about yourseason, but nothing captivates like living the ups and downs together.

Whether you opt for Contrtracts or Co-Op, having a partner along for a 15 season project brings camaraderie and personal investment I‘ve never felt before in single player Career Mode.

My friend Mike and I recently won a dramatic UCL final in year 5 of our AC Milan save. I‘ll never forget us yelling instructions over Discord during those final frenzied minutes. Meanwhile, my solo triumphs feel increasingly hollow and mundane.

2 player career is the definitive way to experience Career Mode going forward, period.

Supported Platforms & Play Modes

The two player Career Mode option is thankfully available across all FIFA 23 platforms:

  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
  • PC

You also have choice in how you play:

  • Online – Invite a friend remotely over console live service or Origin/Steam. Manage your club while chatting via a service like Discord.
  • Local Couch Play – Sit side-by-side and collaborate in person.Ideal for roommate team-ups or intimately sharing moments like transfer deadline day.

What About Matches?

Once you enter matches, both players can either control different positions on the field (I take defense, you control wingers and strikers) or swap the entire team each half.

I prefer sticking to certain roles as it builds more responsibility and connection to those players over a multi-season save. Plus, splitting game responsibilities mimics real-life (manager yelling at CB partner to mark tighter while assistant guides wingers into space).

The Journey – Key Milestones

While squad building is always a thrill, 2 player Career Mode also unlocks new milestones to celebrate:

  • Navigating your first transfer window
  • Reaching domestic cup finals together
  • Overcoming injuries/poor form
  • Securing European football
  • Winning your first trophy

Rather than hollow rewards alone in my gaming cave, I now get to virtually toast champagne with my co-manager after league titles. The highs feel euphoric, and the lows sting that much more with shared investment in our club‘s journey.

Longevity – Multi-Generational Saves

As mentioned, FIFA 23 Career Mode enables saves up to 15 seasons. With most solo players losing steam after 3-5 seasons, 2 player career mode doubles (or triples)the longevity for most.

Keeping motivation high for 15 years is no easy task. But an engaged friend adds accountability and inspiration to invest in youth, navigate rebuilds, and stay fixated on the end goal.

After conquering England with Leeds United from 2023-2032 in co-op, Mike and I just embarked on transforming perennial Europa League side Villarreal into Spanish giants over the next decade. The ability to see our managerial legacies grow over generations keeps us coming back year after year.

Sure, I‘ve led sides like Everton and Napoli to UCL glory on my own over short bursts. But the stories, memories, and fulfillment shared with a friend makes committing to one club infinitely more rewarding.

The Takeaway – Revitalized Experience

2 player career mode offers long-term players like myself a completely refreshed FIFA trajectory. Moments only felt through actual club football now transpire virtually with pals online.

Whether playing side-by-side on the couch or staying up late screaming over Discord, I cannot understate how much playing career mode cooperatively revolutionizes the experience.

If you still have friends grinding solo career saves in the corner…urge them to embrace this new era of shared club progress. They may not return to single player for quite some time.

So in summary – yes, FIFA 23 provides gamers the career mode experience we‘ve waited years for in 2 player co-op. I could ramble for 5,000 more words on the thrills of shared club management, but I‘ll sign off here. Just know that this changes everything for career mode diehards like myself going forward.

Let the dual manager era begin!

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