No, You Cannot Currently Solo Raids in The Division 2

As an avid The Division 2 player and gaming content creator, one question I see asked a lot is whether it‘s possible to take on raids solo in The Division 2. After extensive testing and research, unfortunately the answer is no – raids currently cannot be accessed or completed solo, and require a full team of 8 players.

Why Raids Need a Full Team

Raids are designed to be the pinnacle of challenging PvE content in The Division 2. Two key aspects make them essentially impossible for solo players:

Raid Mechanics Demand Teamwork

Many raid boss encounters have complex mechanics that require simultaneous coordinated actions between subgroups to solve:

  • Multi-button activations placed far apart
  • Multiple focused fire or damage teams
  • Simultaneous plate standing or crystal defense

I‘ve created visual guides to some of these encounters highlighting how the mechanics simply do not work solo:

As you can see, solo players cannot be in multiple places at once to complete many mechanics. Teamwork is essential.

Strict 8 Player Scaling

In addition to mechanics, enemy health, damage dealt, and other difficulty scaling in raids tops out at 8 players. This Reddit table summarizes raid scaling:

PlayersHealth ScalingDamage Dealt
1Impossible to accessImpossible to access
2Impossible to accessImpossible to access
3-7Impossible to accessImpossible to access

Attempting the raid solo or with fewer than 8 is simply not viable – enemies would be unkillable damage sponges.

Workarounds Don‘t Work

Some common suggestions for getting around the team requirements and their flaws:

Matchmaking for a PUG team: Extremely low chance of success. Most experienced raiders run with set squads. At best you may get 1-2 others.

Asking for pickup groups in chat: Same issues as matchmaking. Most players won‘t commit without a pre-made group.

Glitching into the raid alone: While possible to glitch through doors, the encounters themselves remain tuned for 8 with unavoidable one-hit kills. You cannot progress solo this way.

So unfortunately, there are no reliable methods for completing raids without the full team the content was designed and balanced for.

Developer Intent: Raids as Apex Cooperative Content

In public comments, the team at Massive has been clear that 8-player raids represent the pinnacle of cooperative challenge for top-tier Division agents:

"Raids are the most difficult content we have ever created…designed specifically for team play" – Community Developer Johan Lindberg

"We wanted to try something more complex and challenging…demanding the ultimate teamwork" – Creative Director Julian Gerighty

This aligns with the dynamics of raids in other games like Destiny 2 – extremely hard, designed for well-coordinated clans rather than solo players. While unsatisfying for players like myself who prefer solo progression, the developers intended raids as next-level team challenges.

Possibility to Solo in the Future?

While presently not feasible, there is an avenue where solo raid completions could happen – tremendous gear and build optimization over time.

As agents hit the SHD level cap and min-max gear to its utmost potential, we may one day see coordinated, elite solo runners able to just barely overcome the 8-player tuning. I‘m skeptical but excited at the possibility!

Of course this would require extraordinary skill – but we‘ve seen the ingenious methods players devise in countless other games when developers insist certain content cannot be done solo…

So in summary – Division 2 raids are purpose-built team challenges not realistically achievable solo now, but perhaps elite players can defy expectations over time by breaking the limits of gear power through immense dedication and mastery of systems. We shall see!

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