Can You Farm Twin Blood Shards in Bloodborne? (2023 Guide)

Yes, You Absolutely Can!

As a hardcore Bloodborne gamer and content creator, I am often asked if players can farm the ultra-rare Twin Bloodstone Shards in the game. The short answer is – yes, you most certainly can!

While Twin Blood Shards are incredibly scarce early on, making weapon upgrades a real grind, there are a few great farming spots that open up later in the game. In this 2023 updated Bloodborne farming guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about farming unlimited Twin Blood Shards along with other rare upgrade materials.

Let‘s get started!

Forbidden Woods: The BEST Twin Shard Farming Spot

Once you reach the Forbidden Woods, the most efficient way to farm for Twin Bloodstone Shards is to repeatedly kill the Snake Ball enemies. These freakish heads-with-tails have the highest drop rate for Twin Shards in my experience.

Here are some vital tips for mastering the Snake Ball grind:

  • Equip gear and runes that boost Item Discovery to maximize Shard drops
  • Use stealth and / or ranged attacks to safely draw out and defeat Snake Balls
  • Bold Hunter‘s Marks lets you quickly reset the area when you‘ve cleared it out

If you follow that strategy, you should accumulate 5-15 Twin Shards per hour on average. Not bad! It takes some patience, but that effort lets you power up weapons way beyond the standard upgrade curve at this point in the game.

Other Notable Twin Blood Shard Farming Locations

Aside from the Snake Ball bonanza, there are a couple other decent spots to pick up Twin Bloodstone Shards:

Hypogean Gaol

After getting kidnapped and thrown in this ominous prison, killing the disturbing Bag Men has a small chance to drop Twin Shards. The drop rate isn‘t amazing, but it‘s an option if you need a few extra earlier in the game. I averaged around 2-4 Twin Shards per run.

Yahar‘gul Chapel

The dark streets of Yahar‘gul can also produce extra Twin Blood Shards, especially from the powerful Corrupted Church Giants that spawn there. They hit extremely hard though, making prolonged farming runs impractical. Still, it‘s a nice bonus while exploring the area.

Purchase from Bath Messengers

Once certified gaming god status has been achieved by acquiring the Cosmic Eye Watcher Badge, Twin Blood Shards become available for purchase. At the hefty price of 10,000 Blood Echoes each though, it‘s only worth buying 1 or 2 to push a favored weapon over the next upgrade threshold.

SourceAvg. Shards/Hour
Forbidden Woods7
Hypogean Gaol3
Yahar‘gul Chapel2

Twin Blood Shard Farming Data

So forbidden Woods easily comes out on top for Twin Shard farming. But mixing up your routes keeps things interesting and stocks up on other useful items as well.

Parting Thoughts

I hope this super-detailed Twin Bloodstone Shard guide gives you all the tips and data needed to upgrade your weapons faster than ever in Bloodborne this year. Let me know if you discover any new or better farming methods in the comments! Happy hunting, and may the good blood guide your way.

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