Yes, You Can Feel 9 Volts – Here‘s Why

Yes, you can most definitely feel the effects of a standard 9 volt battery if you touch it directly to your tongue! Expect a clear tingling or buzzing sensation resulting from the electrical energy transfer. It likely won‘t be painful, but it will surprise you if you aren‘t expecting it. Let‘s geek out on why this happens.

Voltage Isn‘t Everything: Current and Resistance Matter Too

From elite gaming rigs to handheld controllers, the interplay of voltage, current and resistance impacts what kind of punch our devices can pack. Static may deliver 20k volts, but it‘s the way-lower 120V from your household outlets that poses the real danger.

See, it‘s not just the voltage pushing those precious electrons that determines the strength of an electric shock. You also need enough amps of current actually flowing through a circuit. And how much flows is heavily dependent on resistance.

Your skin has very high resistance (up to 100,000 Ohms), requiring massive voltage to overcome it. But your wet oral membranes? Just 6,000 Ohms – letting way more current pass when you complete the circuit across a 9V battery on your tongue.

Crunching the Numbers on 9Vs

A typical alkaline 9V battery has:

  • Voltage: 9V
  • Max current: 550 mA (0.55 A)
  • Internal resistance: 16 Ω

When you touch it to your tongue‘s ~6,000 Ω resistance, Ohm‘s law tells us that enables about 1-2 mA of current to flow.

That may seem tiny compared to household currents, but it‘s enough to depolarize your tongue‘s nervous system, triggering a light zapping sensation. Definitely something any gamer can appreciate!

Nerves Provide Early Warning System

The sensitivity of your muc membranes serves an important purpose beyond DIY electrical experiments. Your nerves are working as an early warning system, alerting you to potential damage before you overwhelm insulation like skin.

It‘s the reason we advise avoiding any unnecessary electrical contact beyond reputable wires and accessories. One slip up could hit live current.

What Levels of Current Cause Harm?

So when does electricity go from harmless tingle to hazardous? Data shows most adults will begin feeling currents between 1-10 mA, with pain kicking in around 10-25 mA.

1 mABarely perceptible
10-20 mAPainful shock
> 100 mAHeart damage possible
> 200 mAOften severe burns or death

Yet voltage matters too – it takes less current at 120V+ to cause injuries than lower voltages like 9V.

Regardless, don‘t take electrical safety lightly just because you survived an encounter with a battery!

Battery Capabilities and Safety

Let‘s delve deeper into battery tech. While 9Vs are iconic for powering our devices, today‘s rechargeable lithium polymer cells provide far more stable energy storage and output.

A standard 9V alkaline battery has capacity around 500-800 mAh. Compare that to a beefy 20100 mAh power bank – able to recharge a phone 10x over before draining.

Advanced lithium batteries also avoid leakage issues and temperature extremes during operation and storage. Plus they can handle hundreds of charge cycles without degradation.

For household use, choose reputable brand names like Duracell or Energizer. Never attempt to recharge non-rechargeable cells – explosion risk!

And heed warning labels to keep all batteries sealed away from metal objects and kids‘ curious hands. Learned that lesson myself back in the day trying to pry open a lithium phone battery with scissors. 0/10 do not recommend!

Recommended Battery Storage

Based on firsthand experience, I strongly advise picking up safety-focused storage solutions like:

  • The SecureIt Tactical Battery Locker
  • Lightning Box Rechargeable Battery Storage Case
  • OXO Tot Battery Lock Box

The right rack or box protects your gear investment – and family members – simplifying organization. They restrict oxygen exposure and prevent short circuit mishaps while keeping cells neatly displayed for convenient access.

On open shelving, use packing tape to isolate battery ends off the surface. And reference polarity guides when snapping in replacement batteries during those late night gaming marathons.

The Shocking Truth

While other sources my downplay exposing yourself to live current, take it from this battle-hardened gamer: don‘t push your luck!

Yes a single 9V battery produces more of a buzz than a jolt. But electricity deserves healthy respect once you start modifying or overclocking rigs.

Beyond the main voltages in your wall sockets, be thoughtful anytime you open up high drain devices. Carefully unplug, allow residual charge to dissipate, and mind connection points as you service and upgrade.

Do that and you‘ll avoid most nastyl surprises when your screwdriver slips or tweezers drop across the wrong component!

Stay safe and game on my friends! Let the voltages and frame rates ever be in your favor.

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