Can You Finish Horizon Forbidden West in 5 Hours?

No, it is not possible to complete Horizon Forbidden West in just 5 hours. For the average player focusing on main story content, Horizon Forbidden West takes between 30-35 hours. Even expert speedrunners cannot finish the game in under 8 hours due to certain unskippable cutscenes and transitions.

Breaking Down Horizon‘s Game Length

Horizon Forbidden West is an enormous open world game with a huge amount of content outside of the critical path. Here is how long it takes to finish based on playstyle:

  • Main Story Only: 30-35 hours
  • Completionist Run: 80-100+ hours

These estimations are based on aggregated data from completion time trackers like HowLongToBeat. Of course personal playstyles can increase or decrease these averages.

Speedrunning provides an extreme data point for the minimum possible time. The current world record for completing Horizon Forbidden West stands at 7 hours and 56 minutes (by speedrunner BuffaloBilly). This involves utilizing and combining various exploits and sequence breaks.

Why 5 Hours Is Not Realistic

Could an expert gamer finish Forbidden West in 5 hours? Based on all available evidence, this would be impossible even for the best players.

There are certain unskippable cutscenes and forced walking speed segments in the critical path totaling over 2.5 hours alone. And the main story includes lengthy quests like The Sea of Sands which have completion estimates of 3+ hours on their own.

Factoring in minimum transit times between objectives and very optimistic time allotments for main quest stages, the absolute fastest completion gets close to 8 hours, not 5.

So where does this 5 hour estimate come from? It is possibly confused with the playtime for Horizon Zero Dawn which is closer to 10-15 hours for main story. Or it could be a purely hypothetical best-case scenario not grounded in reality.

The Verdict: No Chance

While games in the Horizon franchise offer an incredible open world experience, they are meant to be slowly savored – not rushed through. Some may try to sprint to credits as a personal challenge, but an actual 5 hour finish is impossible even for routing masters. No matter your skill level, expect a 30+ hour journey even focusing solely on Aloy‘s central adventure!

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