Can You Fly Jets in Arma 3?

The answer is yes! Jet aircraft are available to pilot in the gaming sandbox of Arma 3, granting air superiority to battle enemy forces. You can access several fast and deadly jet types by purchasing the Arma 3 Jets DLC expansion or fly more basic models included in the base game.

Base Game vs. DLC Jets

Arma 3 Jets DLC unlocks exclusive, premium jets modeled after real-world aircraft like the F/A-18 Hornet. Base game models like the N-30 Viper lack some combat systems but still let you experience jet flight.

Base Game Jets

  • N-30 Viper
  • A-149 Gryphon
  • To-201 Shikra

Jets DLC Aircraft

  • F/A-181 Black Wasp II
  • Sentinel UAV Drone

Realism Level of Jet Gameplay

Though simplified, Arma 3 incorporates route planning, radar targeting, and weapons like air-to-air missiles for semi-realistic aerial engagements. Cockpits aren‘t clickable but external views showcase details. Veterans praise helicopter flight modeling but jets have some arcade-like handling.

Jet Weapons and Combat Capability

Employ built-in cannons, rocket pods, anti-radiation missiles to strike land-based radar sites, and air-to-air missiles while flying Arma 3 jets. Upgrade targeting computers to launch multiple munitions at once. Missile speeds exceed 850 m/s to quickly eliminate bandits.

Key Differences from Full Fledged Flight Sims

Arma 3 JetsFlight Simulators
Gameplay-focused designStudy-level accuracy
Simplified avionicsClicking cockpits
Combined arms focusPure aviation focus

Tips for Flying Jets in Arma 3

  • Use radar and missile weapon systems to ambush enemy aircraft
  • Keep high speed to outrun hostile projectiles
  • Manage fuel and watch for airbase proximity
  • Utilize terrain masking to avoid anti-aircraft fire

I hope this guide covers the essentials for dominating the digital skies of Arma 3! Let me know if you have any other jet flight questions.

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