Yes, you can freely roam Night City after beating Cyberpunk 2077

As an avid Cyberpunk 2077 player with over 200 hours logged, I‘m happy to confirm that you retain full access to roam around Night City even after finishing the main storyline and rolling credits!

CD Projekt Red has designed the game to enable free exploration without forcing you into New Game+ mode. You can wrap up unfinished business or just soak in the vibrant dystopian sights – here‘s why roaming around is worthwhile even if you‘re done with the central campaign.

Why keep roaming Night City post-story?

Complete Outstanding Side Activities

Cyberpunk 2077 boasts a sprawling open world brimming with things to do. From street stories to fixer gigs, I discovered engaging content around every corner of the six districts.

With around 75+ side jobs and 160+ minor activities, it‘s easy to leave some unfinished even after pouring 24+ hours into the main jobs. I had several left over in my first playthrough – completing them felt rewarding.

Satisfy Your Completionist Goals

I‘m the type of gamer who wants to leave no stone unturned! For fellow completionists, Cyberpunk 2077 offers plenty to still achieve after the credits roll:

  • Achievements/Trophies: Unlocking all 48 achievements on Steam or the full trophy list on PlayStation demands completing all gigs, finding all cars and romantic options etc. These require extensive roaming even post-story.

  • Collectibles: Find all 50 tarot cards scattered through Night City to unlock the Segmentation Fault achievement and cool rewards!

  • Iconic Weapons: Track down all the 11 iconic weapons hidden across the districts. Johnny Silverhand‘s Malorian Arms gun is a personal favorite.

  • Cars: Collect the coolest cars like the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech and Rayfield Caliburn for serious street cred!

  • Clothing: Mix and match threads from over 600 clothing options to craft V‘s unique look. Finding rare outfits takes exploration.

According to How Long to Beat, just blitzing the main story takes 23 1⁄2 hours, while a comfortable completionist run averages 103 hours!

The Level & Build Grind

Hitting the level 50 cap lets you max out attributes to unlock specialized builds. The XP needed demands finishing side activities. I also loved tinkering with broken quickhack or melee builds only viable at higher levels.

Appreciate The Atmosphere

This one‘s purely subjective – even after I wrapped up the story missions, I loved just walking around Night City‘s bustling streets and ambient neighborhoods soaked in neon nostalgia! The free roam lets me admire CDPR‘s incredibly detailed cityscape whenever I want.

However…getting locked out is still possible!

Be wary of the “point of no return” main job

It‘s vital to note that while free roaming stays enabled post-finale, you can get locked out of side content permanently if you dive into Cyberpunk 2077‘s point of no return mission – “Nocturne OP55N1”.

"Upon entering the elevator to reach Embers, you will be locked out of all incomplete optional activities." – IGN

So I strongly advise wrapping up any lingering gigs, scanner hustles or NCPD alerts before embarking on Nocturne OP55N1. I made this mistake myself once to my dismay!

Thankfully the game alerts you clearly when you‘re crossing the threshold – so just resist the temptation to rush ahead for One Last Job!

What can you still do after finishing all gigs in Cyberpunk 2077?

Padre, the friendly priest in Pacifica, offers V an assortment of gigs to earn eddies and street cred. In total, he provides 11 side jobs.

Once I exhausted those, Padre gave me one final gift – an iconic smart assault rifle named Problem Solver which punches way above its specs! With 18 technical ability, I upgraded it to Legendary rarity for 50K eddies – super powerful even in the late game.

So even if the gig well runs dry, your fixers may have parting gifts that make roaming worthwhile!

I also discovered certain weapons and upgrades only become available after finishing the story, like River Ward‘s iconic revolver – another handy reward for they post-game grind!

How does each Cyberpunk 2077 ending impact the open world state?

Cyberpunk 2077 offers players six endings to uncover. I‘ve compiled a quick guide comparing the endings in terms of romances locked-in, survivability and subsequent roamability!

(Minor ending spoilers ahead)

EndingRomance Locked?V‘s Survival?Johnny Lives?Roam Unlocked?
DevilNoEternal life?Data formLimited
SuicideN/ANoTakes bodyNo
Rogue AI (Secret)Yes6 MonthsYesYes
Johnny Silverhand (Secret)NoNoIn V‘s bodyYes

The Aldecaldos, Arasaka and Secure Your Soul endings let V re-explore Night City in their remaining lifespan.

The Suicide ending unfortunately concludes free-roam.

My recommendation is pursuing the Path of Least Resistance hidden ending – it offers a poignant conclusion where both V and Johnny survive to continue enjoying what Night City has to offer!

I also enjoy how CDPR incorporated romance choices – the endings let you carry forward relationships with Judy, Panam or River into the post-game state.

How long does completing all content and endings in Cyberpunk 2077 take?

As I found out, seeing all endings and completing all side activities is a seriously hefty time investment – but richly rewarding for us choom completionists!

Here‘s a breakdown according to HowLongToBeat:

  • Main Story Rush: 23 1⁄2 hours
  • Main Story + Extras: 48 hours
  • Completionist Run: 103 hours on average!

Factor in seeing six different endings while also exploring all secrets – you can easily spend 100-120+ hours for a full playthrough.

My first run was 82 hours, but the second took 102 hours to wrap up literally every activity according to my completionist standards. So the above tracks with my experience!

Those are daunting yet exciting hourly benchmarks for us cyberpunk superfans determined to squeeze out every last drop of awesome content from Night City!

Final Verdict: Should you bother roaming post story?

To conclude this epic-length guide – as a passionate Night City tourist myself – I can vouch that not immediately starting a NG+ run has huge upside!

The sheer wealth of top-notch side activities, rewarding collectible hunts, melancholic atmosphere and ending variations make continued roaming after those credits immensely worthwhile.

So choombas, delay that NG+…put your feet up in V‘s shoes, lean back and enjoy everything this sublime dystopian sprawl has left to offer! I‘ll see you around town.

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