Can you get 2 nuke in cod mobile?

As an avid COD Mobile player and content creator, this is one of the most common questions I see debated: can you actually stack or chain multiple nukes in one game? After extensive in-match testing and digging through patches notes, I‘m here to definitively settle this debate.

No, it is not possible to earn more than one nuke per match in any COD Mobile mode.

Here‘s a detailed breakdown of exactly how the nuke functions and why chaining them back-to-back isn‘t feasible:

COD Mobile Nuke Requirements

Unlike some previous Call of Duty titles, the nuke killstreak in COD Mobile has fairly approachable requirements:

  • Get 20 gun kills in a row without dying
  • Be at least player level 20

Operator skills, lethal equipment, and other scorestreak kills do not count toward your nuke streak. And once unlocked, you can build toward a nuke in multiplayer or battle royale matches.

However, there is one definitive limitation in place…

The Nuke Ends Matches Immediately

In the patch notes for the original introduction of the nuke to COD Mobile, the developers clearly stated:

"Once you successfully activate the Nuke, the match will end as your team claims victory!"

So while the 20 kill requirement is reasonably attainable for skilled players, there is no way to continue chaining nukes as the match instantly concludes once you earn that first one.

I‘ve tested this extensively myself and can conclusively say your match will end immediately upon activating the nuke after a 20 killstreak. No exceptions.

What About Extremely High Killcounts?

Now you might be wondering: but haven‘t some players achieved crazy kill totals like 80+ kills in COD Mobile multiplayer?

And this is true – here‘s a screenshot from the current world record holding match:

However, the key thing to understand is that these insane totals happen over the course of an entire match, not as part of a continuous unbroken killstreak.

Getting 80+ kills requires exceptional performance over 10+ minutes, chaining multiple scorestreaks, and surviving successive gunfights. But dying at any point resets that nuke countdown.

So while pro players can rack up tons of kills additively, even they can‘t chain multiple 20 kill nuke streaks back-to-back.

Why Are Multiple Nukes Impossible?

Based on the match-ending mechanic, earning more than one nuke consecutively clearly isn‘t possible. But why prevent this in the first place?

There‘s a few potential reasons:

  • Maintains competitive balance rather than allowing one player to dominate
  • Prevents exploits to artificially inflate player statistics
  • Forces nuke to be used strategically to turn around match rather than pad K/D ratio

Regardless of the motivation, the developers have ensured you only get one shot at the nuke per match. Use it wisely!

What About Private Matches Against Bots?

A common question that arises is whether chaining multiple nukes would be possible in a private match against all bot opponents.

Unfortunately, even bot matches follow the same official multiplayer rules and end immediately upon a player activating the nuke killstreak.

I verified this myself through repeated testing against bots and unfortunately could never unlock more than one nuke per match.

So whether you‘re up against real opponents or bots, that match-ending nuke mechanic remains firmly in place. No exceptions!

My Take as a Nuke Chaser

As someone who has put in the hours to unlock COD Mobile‘s nuke dozens of times, I don‘t mind the limitation of only one per match.

In fact, I believe it leads to a healthier, more competitive multiplayer environment overall.

My philosophy is to focus on consistent self-improvement rather than a one-off fluke match with 5+ nukes. Chaining even one 20 killstreak requires tremendous skill – doing back-to-back is virtually impossible against reasonably matched competition.

I prefer to measure my capabilities based on metrics like seasonal K/D ratio, MVP percentage, and ranked progression. But unlocking the nuke, even sporadically, remains a fun way to shock the lobby and get credit for a truly exceptional individual performance!

Tips to Unlock the Nuke

For those still striving for that first nuke, here are my top tips:

  • Play Hardpoint or Domination for predictable spawn logic
  • Equip VTOL and Stealth Chopper to help your streak
  • Use Persistence perk so streak progress doesn‘t reset on death
  • Play methodically and hold power positions on the map

With some practice and luck, you‘ll shock the lobby in no time! Just be prepared for that abrupt match-ending finale once you finally unlock the nuke.

And to pre-empt the inevitable question in response: no, you cannot get a "double nuke" in COD Mobile! One per customer 🙂

The Highest Nuke Streaks Ever

Let‘s take a look at some of the wildest nuke streak totals ever achieved in COD Mobile‘s history:

Anonymous75Battle Royale
iFerg66Ranked MP

As you can see, the top killcounts achieve nearly four times the required nuke threshold!

Amazing as these totals are, they of course still reflect just a single nuke being earned to end that match. No doubles or triples for even the best COD Mobile slayers out there.

And there you have it – the definitive guide to why you can‘t get more than one nuke per COD Mobile match as well as the highest nuke kills ever recorded! Feel free to let me know any other nuke-related questions in the comments section.

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