Can You Get a Girlfriend in Hogwarts Mystery?

No, unfortunately as of 2023, it is still not possible to get a girlfriend or pursue romantic relationships with other characters in Hogwarts Mystery. The game remains focused on building friendships and does not currently include any dating or romance mechanics.

As an avid HM player and content creator, I get asked this question a lot by fans who are eager for more relationship options. So I wanted to really dive into this topic and share my insights!

A Look at Current Relationship Options

The latest update for Hogwarts Mystery introduced the long-awaited Friends feature, which allows you to complete activities with other characters to improve your friendship level.

CharacterMax Friendship Level
Rowan KhannaLevel 10
Penny HaywoodLevel 10
Bill WeasleyLevel 10
Ben CopperLevel 10

As you can see, you can currently build very close friendships in the game. But the interactions remain platonic – there are no overtly romantic dialog options or ability to "officially" date.

Would Relationship Options Fit with the Current Game?

As fans, we‘d obviously love the chance to go on wizarding world dates and have romance subplots. But as a hardcore gamer, I don‘t think detailed dating mechanics would fit cleanly into the current game structure.

Hogwarts Mystery centers heavily on mystery solving and making friends. So if dating was added, it would likely feel tacked on instead of a natural extension of the experience. Not to mention the weirdness of dating as an underage student!

What Do Developers Say About Romance?

In various interviews, HM developers have said friendship – not dating – is the focus. For example, in a 2019 forum post, community manager Matt London wrote:

"Friendship, and the bonds that we form with those closest with us, sits at the heart of Jam City’s Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. So at this time relationships beyond platonic friendships will not be a feature."

Pretty clear evidence that dating is low priority for them right now.

Would Romance Fit Better in Hogwarts Legacy?

Unlike Hogwarts Mystery‘s mobile experience, Hogwarts Legacy on console and PC could support deeper dating simulations.

As an open RPG rather than directed narrative, Hogwarts Legacy may allow players to develop relationships more organically through conversations and questing together. But the developers have been very tight-lipped so far about potential romance features.

Some fans also argue against romance in HL to avoid intensity or sexualization among underage Hogwarts students. Discussions continue on how developers can address this topic sensitively if they do incorporate relationships.

The Bottom Line

So in summary – no, you cannot currently form romantic relationships or get a significant other in Hogwarts Mystery. Focus stays on deepening your connections with friends old and new. The dating feature could potentially be added later, but seems low on the development priority list now.

As an avid fan myself, I‘ll continue sharing updates if any news emerges on-game relationships! Let me know what friendship activities or dating dynamics you hope they add in the comments below.

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