Can You Obtain a Perfect IV Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

Yes, it is possible to acquire a 100% perfect IV Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO. However, the chances of catching a wild Shadow Pokemon with IVs high enough to become perfect when purified are extremely slim at only 1 in 4,096, or about 0.0244% odds according to multiple analysis from Pokemon GO data sites. But while improbable and difficult, perfect IV Shadow Pokemon can be obtained in the game through various methods.

What are the Actual Odds of Getting a Perfect IV Shadow Pokemon?

To understand precisely how rare perfect IV Shadow Pokemon are, it helps to break down the base rates:

SourcePerfect IV Odds
Wild Catch1 in 4,096 (~0.0244%)
Raid/Research CatchVaries, typically ~1 in 216 (~0.46%) with 10/10/10 IV floor Minimum
Lucky Trade1 in 64 (~1.56%) minimum due to 12/12/12 IV floor
Purified PokemonGuaranteed if catching shadow has at least 13/13/13 IVs

As the table shows, wild-caught Shadow Pokemon have by far the lowest chances for perfect IVs at roughly 1 in 4,000. However other sources can provide substantially better odds.

Research reward and raid-caught Shadow Pokemon have an IV floor of at least 10/10/10, giving them a base 1 in 216 chance of being perfect, over 19 times higher than wild spawns. Lucky traded Shadow Pokemon have even higher perfect IV odds at a minimum of 1 in 64 thanks to their 12/12/12 IV floor.

How Purification Boosts IVs

When you choose to purify a Shadow Pokemon, it receives a +2 bonus to each of its Attack, Defense, and Stamina IV values.

IV StatShadow IVPurified IV
Attack1315 (+2)
Defense1315 (+2)
Stamina1315 (+2)
Overall13/13/13Perfect 15/15/15!

So by catching a Shadow Pokemon with at least 13/13/13 IVs in each stat, trainers can purify that Pokemon to transform it into a rare 100% IV purified Pokemon. Let‘s look at some methods that can help locate these high IV Shadow candidates.

Locating High IV Shadow Pokemon for Purification to 100%

1. Using Scanning Maps and Discord Trackers

Due to the rarity of perfect IV Shadow Pokemon spawns, many trainers leverage scanning map services like PokeXperience or Poke Radar which actively scan and call out 100% IV shadows they spot. Some local Discords also actively post sightings of high IV shadows.

Using these crowd-sourced methods substantially increases odds of finding that elusive perfect IV shadow candidate. It does require extra effort stalking these services, but pays dividends for hunters obsessed with perfect IV and purified Pokemon.

2. Catching Shadows During Special Events

Certain in-game events can temporarily boost Shadow Pokemon spawn rates for a higher chance at that perfect base IV shadow.

  • Team GO Rocket Takeover – Dramatically increases Shadow spawns with the elusive Giovanni able to be challenged. Ideal for grinding Shadows.

  • Rocket-Themed Community Days – Shadow Zubat, Magikarp, etc may swarm spawns depending on the featured Pokemon.

  • Special Rocket Research Tasks – Limited tasks rewarding Shadow encounters upon completion.

Leveraging these Shadow boosting events, while still rare, can yield more perfect IV candidates through sheer number of encounters.

3. Raiding and Research Encounters

As mentioned earlier, Shadow Pokemon caught from raids and research breakthrough/special research reward encounters have an IV floor 10/10/10.

While still very difficult, this gives a 1 in 216 base odds for them to generate with perfect 15/15/15 IVs, over 19 times higher chance than wild spawns.

So over time, encountering raid and research shadows provide the best odds for finding naturally perfect IV shadows outside trading.

4. Trading Shadow Pokemon

Thanks to the trade re-roll mechanic, trainers can swap Shadow Pokemon in hopes of randomized perfect IVs, or Lucky IV floor boosts.

Lucky trades in particular guarantee an IV floor of 12/12/12, giving a minimum 1 in 64 chance of generating a perfect lucky Shadow. Further re-rolls beyond the initial trade can yield regular perfect IV shadows as well.

For trainers with excess Shadow Pokemon and plenty of local friends, trading provides very solid odds for perfect IV candidates.

To Purify or Not Purify? – Pros and Cons

Before purifying that perfect IV Shadow Pokemon, ask yourself – do you value IV perfection over battle performance?

Pros of Purification

  • Satisfaction of adding a rare 100% IV Pokemon to your collection
  • Potentially higher max CP from IV boost
  • Cheaper power up costs
  • Unique move Return can be ideal for some Pokemon in PvP leagues

Pros of Keeping as Shadow

  • All Shadow Pokemon deal 20% increased damage in raids and gyms
  • Significant DPS boost essential for top counters like Shadow Mewtwo, Metagross
  • Requires no additional Candy/Dust investment to purify then re-power up
  • High PvP stat product still with 0/13/13 IVs in Great/Ultra Leagues

Many meta-relevant Shadow Pokemon such as Mewtwo, Moltres, Metagross actually perform better in raids and even PvP as Shadows. The IV boost from purification does not offset the power of their 20% damage bonus. These species in particular you likely will want to keep Shadow despite IVs.

So carefully weigh if you value IV perfection over battle performance for your goals in Pokemon GO. For more casual collectors and PvPers, purification may make sense. But for hardcore raiders and trainers focused purely on DPS output, keeping that perfect shadow powered up as-is tends to be ideal.

Final Tips on Hunting for the Perfect IV Shadow Pokemon

  • Leverage all sources – raids, research, trades – not just wild catches
  • Play during events that boost Shadow spawns
  • Use map scanners/Discords to crowd-source 100% sightings
  • Research species first to know if they need the Shadow damage bonus
  • Balance raid usefulness vs collector perfection for your goals

While staggeringly difficult to obtain, perfect IV Shadow Pokemon are an achievable prize in Pokemon GO for dedicated hunters leveraging all options available to improve odds. May the RNG gods bless your Shadow hunts with ideal stat product candidates!

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