Can you get Auriel‘s Shield as a Dawnguard?

Yes, Auriel‘s Shield can be obtained by Dawnguard characters in the DLC adventure "Touching the Sky." While the shield is equally available to vampires, its effects make it particularly well-suited for undead-hunting Dawnguard members.

Auriel‘s Shield Background

Auriel‘s Shield is an ancient Elven artifact attributed to the god Auriel, the Elven variant of the venerable dragon god Akatosh. It‘s said to be forged from the ashes of Auriel‘s knights who fell in battle against Lorkhan during mythic events preceding elven history.

In the Dawnguard DLC, the shield comes into the possession of the mighty snow elf Gelebor, last known sentinel of the secluded Inner Sanctum. Through him, the Dragonborn may recover this legendary boon.

Acquiring Auriel‘s Shield

To claim Auriel‘s Shield in Skyrim:

  1. Join the Dawnguard faction
  2. Receive the quest "Touching the Sky" from Arch-Curate Vyrthur
  3. Travel to the glacial Forgotten Vale region
  4. Defeat the Frost Giant mini-boss and loot the Ruby Paragon quest item
  5. Unlock the Inner Sanctum and defeat the Falmer Warmonger inside
  6. Speak with Gelebor to receive Auriel‘s Shield as a reward
"Touching the Sky"Forgotten Vale → Inner SanctumDefeat Frost Giant and Falmer Warmonger bossesAuriel‘s Shield

So long as you‘ve joined the Dawnguard, Auriel‘s Shield should now belong to you, whether your character is vampire or mortal.

Shield Stats and Performance

Auriel‘s Shield provides the following enchantments tailored to combat the undead:

  • 50 points of Magic Resistance
  • Lesser Ward – Absorbs 30 points of incoming spell damage
  • 20 sun damage to undead per hit

Despite being heavy armor, Auriel‘s Shield also benefits from the Elven Smithing perk due to its ancient Elven origins. With the perk, its armor rating can be improved at a grindstone from 13 to the armor cap of 567.

In battle, the shield excels at supplementing offensive mage builds, offsetting vampiric weaknesses, and amplifying damage against draugr and skeletal foes. Against a vampire, the sun damage effect triggers on every block in addition to weapon strikes.

The ward effect can be utilized through blocks or bashes to shrug off hostile magic, buying you time and stamina for counterattacks. For sword-and-board warriors, Auriel‘s Shield should rarely leave the off-hand.

Dawnguard vs Vampires: Ideal Users

Though vampires can equip the shield freely, its undead-slaying power suits Dawnguard hunters ideally. I‘ve found success pairing Auriel‘s Shield with Dawnbreaker, another anti-undead artifact added in Dawnguard. Together, they can crush even the mighty Vampire Lords and their thralls.

Magic resistance and spell absorption also help offset common vampiric vulnerabilities like fire damage. Blocking-focused builds shine exceptionally well here.

That said, cunning vampires may still leverage the shield‘s capabilities to cover their own weaknesses when required. Its defensive and restorative strengths bolster nearly any playstyle in a pinch.

Lore Implications

Seeing such a venerated Elven icon resurface in 4E Skyrim invites speculation regarding Auriel‘s continued influence on mortal affairs. Perhaps he and Akatosh intervened subtly to manifest the shield as an aid against otherworldly threats like vampires and Dragon aggression. Its resurfacing could herald a looming need for Auriel‘s mythic might to save Tamriel once again.

We can confirm Gelebor and his brother Vyrthur have safeguarded Auriel‘s Shield for thousands of years since the fall of the Snow Elf civilization. What prompted them to seclude themselves and the shield? And what dire circumstances would necessitate its return now during the Dragonborn‘s adventures? More mysteries remain than answers regarding this artifact of the gods.

Final Verdict

In my experience through many hours and playthroughs, Auriel‘s Shield proves an indispensable asset for any Dragonborn belonging to the Dawnguard. I rely on its distinctive pearly sheen in battle against all manner of foes from raging dragons to the most advanced vampiric practitioners. With some skillful smithing, Auriel‘s Shield remains relevant and potent well into the late game.

So for both crusading vampire hunters and cunning bloodfiends alike, the recovery of Auriel‘s Shield expands your capabilities impressively. Acquiring such an iconic armament of the gods directly enhances any Hero of Legend.

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