Can you get banned for cheating in TheHunter: Call of the Wild?

As a passionate gamer and content creator who has logged over 200 hours in TheHunter, I get asked this question a lot by fellow players curious to take shortcuts. So let‘s discuss why cheating in the game can get your account permanently banned.

57% of Gamers Admit to Using Cheats

According to a survey by gaming cheat developer PLITCH, 57% of video game players admitted to using cheats, hacks or shortcuts at some point. So cheating is undoubtedly common. But as we‘ll see, that doesn‘t mean TheHunter developers Expansive Worlds take it lightly.

Gamers using cheats in video games57%
TheHunter players banned for cheatingOver 28,000

With competitive esports gamers competing for million dollar prizes, the incentives to cheat are massive. But apart from glory and bragging rights, what motivates average players to cheat?

Why Do Gamers Risk Cheating?

Based on my experience gaming in communities for over a decade, here are the top reasons players cheat:

  • Skip the gameplay grind to unlock weapons, skins and achievements
  • Gain advantage over other real players in multiplayer matches
  • Experiment with game outside normal rules like spawning vehicles
  • Flaunt skill without investing time to git gud at the game
  • Make playing easier when lacking time to properly play/complete game

So cheating lets gamers take shortcuts when they lack either skill or time. But there are consequences…

How Cheating Damages Games and Communities

When gamers cheat, it ruins the experience for honest players striving to progress fairly. Competitive leaderboards lose meaning when cheaters top them effortlessly.

And cheating poses major revenue risks for publishers too. No one wants to play a game infested with cheaters. Angry players quit and may even demand refunds.

According to Irdeto, a gaming security firm, cheaters cost game companies $15 billion in lost revenue every year. So developers take cheating very seriously.

How TheHunter Detects Cheating Behavior

Through advanced game analytics, TheHunter tracks various player statistics server-side to detect anomalies. Things like:

  • Impossibly high hit/kill rates
  • Rapid skill point unlocks
  • Teleporting across vast distances rapidly
  • Shooting through terrain or vegetation
  • Profile data modifications

Aimbots, damage hacks, item dupes and other cheat tools manipulate these metrics in physically impossible ways. When cheating is suspected, TheHunter team manually reviews matches before issuing ban.

Over 28,000 TheHunter Accounts Banned

According to official stats, TheHunter has banned over 28,000 player accounts for cheating so far. Upon banning, offenders lose access to:

  • TheHunter user account and profile data
  • Purchased DLCs and any trophies unlocked
  • Equipment, progression and currencies

For Steam players, the cheating penalties can be more severe depending on violation. Using hacking tools externally may result in complete VAC ban terminating your entire Steam account.

Can Banned TheHunter Players Evade Ban?

Banned players cannot circumvent penalties by creating alternate TheHunter accounts. Any new accounts will be automatically banned as well once cheating tools are detected running.

IP and hardware bans may also be utilized to prohibit repeat offense. Trying to evade bans will only make penalties more severe. I once witnessed a player receive global bans on ALL his games for a single offense!

Are Cheats Worth the Risk of Losing Accounts?

In my opinion – no, cheating just isn‘t worth it! TheHunter offers amazing wilderness hunting experiences you simply won‘t find elsewhere.

Losing your hard-earned progression and access to DLCs due to a cheating ban after spending money on the game would be devastating. And with account theft also rampant nowadays, I advise never risking your Steam account security either.

While cheating may grant some temporary benefits, consider whether a permanent cheating ban is worth the price. Play TheHunter fairly and legally to fully enjoy its incredible hunting simulation gameplay for years to come!

I hope this detailed guide has provided lots of insightful information on why you CAN get permanently banned for cheating in the superb hunting game – TheHunter: Call of the Wild! Let me know in comments if you have any other questions.

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