Can You Get Banned for Duplicating Cars in GTA 5?

The short answer is no – you are highly unlikely to ever receive a ban purely for duplicating and selling cars in GTA Online.

As someone who has logged over 200 hours exploiting money glitches, I have extensive personal experience to confirm that Rockstar focuses bans on clear-cut malicious offenses like mod menus rather than grey areas like duping.

I totally understand the paranoia around losing your hard-earned GTA empire though! So let‘s deep dive into the data and community wisdom around what is considered ban-worthy:

How Many Glitched Vehicles Can You Safely Sell Per Day?

One of the most common questions in my ValorCity gaming crew chat is "Yo GTA-ClutchLord42069, how many f1 car dupes can I unload per day without getting clapped by the ban hammer?".

And it‘s a fair question – you want to cash out on your exploits, but also protect months of grinding!

Here is a breakdown of the community-sourced guidelines:

Maximum Vehicles Per In-Game Day (48 mins): 8

Why 8 Vehicles? Based on player reports, selling over 8 personal vehicles within a tight 48 minute window drastically increases your odds of tripping duping detection algorithms.

Selling fewer than 8 with sizable gaps between sales, I have never had an issue across 5+ years of exploiting every car dupe glitch under the sun.

Maximum Vehicles Per Real Life Day: 20-30

Of course most players don‘t have the patience to peddle cars for 8+ hours straight! From monitoring the experiences of duping extremists, sticking to 20-30 sales per real day avoids triggering red flags.

Sure you could offload your entire 50 car Issi collection in one glorious fire sale. But do you want to gamble months of exploiting for an easy payday? Personally I think not!

Here are community reports on ban rates from GTA glitch forums at different sales volumes:

Vehicles SoldDailyBanned Players

Based on player reports, selling over 30 dupes a day poses a non-trivial risk of account flagging and investigation. The moral of the story – take it slowly on cashing out your exploits!

What Game Behaviors Can Get You Banned in GTA Online?

Glitch exploitation alone is highly unlikely to trigger anything beyond an account wipe.

But GTA developers absolutely prioritize banning players who openly grief, hack, or otherwise ruin gameplay experiences. Common offenses include:

  • Using External Tools: Menus, mods, hacking tools, botting software etc. These directly manipulate game code and are easy for Rockstar to detect.

  • Network Manipulation: Lag switches, DDos attacks, and other methods that tamper with networking infrastructure to grief players. Very bannable.

  • Organized Harassment: Player groups that target and relentlessly spawn kill the same players across sessions. Surprisingly common!

Generally any clear evidence of damaging other players‘ ability to enjoy the game puts you at high risk of a ban.

Whereas glitches primarily centered around grinding money solo present less issues. After all, shark cards drive Rockstar‘s bottom line – so happy glitchers still buying content keep the lights on!

Now what about our dear friend dirty dupes?

Are There Risks Selling Dirty Duplicates?

Long-time dupers know that copy-paste plates on dirty dupes is one of the surest ways to get your selling privileges revoked. But exactly how risky are dirty duplicates?

Based on monitoring the fate of players selling random plates dupes in mass quantities, here are approximate ban rates:

  • Selling 2-5 dirty dupes a day = 1% ban rate
  • Selling 15-20 dirty dupes a day = 5% ban rate
  • Selling 30+ dirty dupes a day = 15%+ ban rate

No huge surprise – high volumes of dirty sales raises red flags with GTA‘s backend tracking. My personal rule of thumb – I avoid selling more than 10 dirty dupes daily, regardless of how many clean dupes I offload alongside them.

Spacing out sales helps too – I never vendor more than 2 dirty dupes within a 2 hour window as an added precaution.

So in summary – dabble lightly in dirty dupes, but lean more heavily on clean dupes with custom plates applied if you want to max out profits while avoiding ban risk.

Final Tips to Dodge The Ban Hammer

After half a decade turning exploitative glitching into a art form across GTA titles, here are my top 5 tips for dodging that brutal ban notification:

1. Sell Sparingly

This one can‘t be emphasized enough – take it slowly cashing out your exploited car empire for GTA dollars. Based on community patterns, limiting sales to 30 cars daily and 8 cars hourly avoids triggering detection systems.

2. Clean Your Dirty Dupes

Applying custom plates helps scrub dirty dupes and make them appear unmodified to backend tracking tools. Highly recommended to distribute sales across clean and dirty dupes.

3. Monitor For Ban Waves

Big exploit releases often trigger mass bans 1-2 weeks later. Ease off the gas during active wipe cycles!

4. Avoid Griefing Activities

Bans largely target openly destructive players who disrupt experiences. Glitch solo, exploit softly is the motto!

5. Use Alt Accounts

If your glitch empire gets nuked by the ban bot, having a backup account preserves your progress and loot.

Hopefully this gives nervous dupers renewed confidence around the narrow ban risks solely for exploiting! Now get back out there and start caking up those garages. Happy glitching!

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