Can You Get Banned for Using ACT in FFXIV?

I‘ve been playing Final Fantasy XIV for many years and use various third-party tools to analyze my performance. One question I often get asked is: can you get banned for using Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) in FFXIV?

The short answer is: using ACT itself does not directly lead to bans, but harassment or cheating with it can.

As an avid raider and theorycrafter, I find ACT invaluable. But misusing parser data to shame others crosses the line for Square Enix (SE). In this post, I‘ll cover how players get banned for ACT based on SE‘s own reports, the detection methods, privacy aspects, and most importantly – tips to avoid headaches!

When ACT Usage Can Lead to FFXIV Bans

To be clear, ACT itself is not bannable according to SE. Parsing is not supported, but tolerated under specific conditions. You only risk account penalties if you:

  • Verbally abuse or shame players over parser numbers in chat or messages
  • Demand other players hit certain DPS scores to join duties
  • Use cheat tools or exploit ACT functionality for unfair gameplay advantages
  • Excessively discuss or distribute parser data in public game channels

SE mainly relies on player reports for toxic parser usage. They investigate chat logs, warnings issued, and strike based on context.

Examples of Parser Harassment That Got FFXIV Players Banned

Here are some anonymized examples of parser harassment from actual GM ban notes:

  • "You‘ve been constantly harassing the healer for having lower DPS"
  • "Despite being asked to stop, you continued demanding player X to meet arbitrary parser targets set by you"
  • "Do not force others to play as you demand to fit your parser metrics"

And for cheating usage:

"ACT triggers were used to automatically dodge enemy attacks before they visibly telegraphed"

  • "Overlay mods were configured to manipulate game memory for faster attack speed"

First offenses typically get around 3-day suspensions. But repeat issues can warrant perma-bans.

How Square Enix Detects Parser-Related ToS Breaches

GMs don‘t automatically parse your logs. Instead, they follow up on rightful player reports with manual investigations:

  • Chat log history analysis
  • Warning confirmations
  • Context from all involved parties
  • Occasional call outs for monitoring

If solid evidence of ToS violation is found, they issue sanctions based on severity.

Parser Bans & Account Actions Over the Years

Per SE ban wave reports, here are some real statistics on 3rd party usage penalties:

Date# of Accounts Penalized
August 2021Over 10,000Mainly RMT advertisement spammers
May 2022Around 300Parser harassment complaints

Other fruads like gil selling, botting and hacking see periodic crackdowns too. They tend to trade in large volumes, so one ban can affect multiple accounts.

The Privacy Concern with Third-Party Overlays

Many ACT plugins connect to the game memory to extract combat data. This raises some security risks even though parsing itself is read-only:

  • Data intercepted over the internet in transit
  • Memory injections remain theoretically possible
  • Potential avenues for exploits in future

So use trusted overlay sources and be careful when sharing your logs.

Top Tips to Use ACT Safely in FFXIV

Now that we‘ve seen ACT usage can carry some risk if misused, here are my top 9 tips to avoid trouble:

1. Never Harass Others Over Numbers

This causes most parser-related bans. Don‘t toxically shame anyone even if they underperform.

2. Keep Parser Discussion Limited

Don‘t namedropped parsers openly in public game channels. Take conversations to DMs/Discord.

3. Disable Overlay Plugins in Group Content

Accidentally leaving overlays visible could make others uncomfortable.

4. Be Upfront About Parsing Privately

If you plan to analyze runs, let your group know beforehand. Transparency avoids feelings getting hurt later.

5. Analyze Your Own Performance, Not Just Others

Focus on self-improvement rather than judging others. We all start somewhere!

6. Encourage Rather Than Demand Better Play

Give constructive suggestions/resources if asked rather than imposing expectations.

7. Report Toxicity & Cheating, Don‘t Retaliate

If you face parser harassment, file a report through the in-game system.

8. Keep Game Modifications to UI/Cosmetics

Don‘t use tools that directly enhance gameplay by manipulating fight logic, memory or botting. That constitutes cheating.

9. Remain Alert to Changes in SE Policy

Stay updated on any announcements from GMs regarding third party software as the stance can evolve.

I hope this guide gives you clarity on what is and isn‘t allowed concerning ACT in FFXIV based on real player experiences and SE policy.

Responsible parsing is tolerated, but any abusive behavior gets the boot. So be excellent to each other and enjoy improving!

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