Can You Get Banned for Using XP Glitches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? A Hard Truth for MW2 Players

As your resident Call of Duty expert who lives and breathes everything COD, I have some bitter medicine for MW2 fans regarding XP exploits – yes, you can absolutely receive bans for boosting your progression via glitches.

Activision is handing out permanent bans for intentional abuse of certain Modern Warfare 2 glitches. So before you go tinkering with any shortcuts promising truckloads of XP and sweet, sweet Damascus camos, hear me out! I‘ll break down what kinds of exploits are risky, what punishment you may face, and whether glitching is ever worth losing your account.

Not All Glitches Are Created Equal: Types That Can Get You Banned

While smaller visual bugs and quirks often go unchecked, exploits that noticeably disrupt balance and gameplay integrity are prime ban targets in MW2.

According to experts I‘ve spoken with, the following glitch types CAN result in suspensions and bans:

Glitch TypeExample
XP FarmingEarning Double XP tokens incorrectly or endlessly
Weapon CamosUnlocking Atomic camo without weapon challenge completion
AttachmentsExceeding normal attachment count on a gun
God ModeMaking yourself invincible via exploits
Out of BoundsGlitching into inaccessible areas of maps

As you can see, the more severely an exploit impacts gameplay and progression, the more likely ban punishment becomes.

How Harshly Does Activision Punish MW2 Glitch Abusers?

Activision has never taken kindly to glitch exploits that undermine competitive integrity in Call of Duty games. And based on early evidence, they are dropping the banhammer hard on MW2 transgressors too.

Popular COD streamer BEASTnFEAST recently received a permanent ban just days after showing an MW2 XP exploit on video. He‘s not alone either, as other top content creators have also reported bans for publicizing glitches.

This shows Activision is handing out *zero tolerance punishments**, not just slaps on the wrist for early glitch adopters.* Let BEASTnFEAST‘s mistake be a lesson – spreading glitch knowledge widely will get you instantly permabanned.

Can Simply Stumbling Upon a Glitch Get You Banned?

If you unintentionally trigger a small glitch through normal play, you realistically don‘t need to worry about repercussions.

However, intentionally replicating and abusing newfound glitches for personal gain is asking for a ban, even if you discover them naturally. So resist the temptation!

For example, say you luck into a glitch that awards bonus XP each match by mistake. Rather than milk it over and over, back out and let Activision patch it. Repeated exploits show clear intent to gain an advantage and make you a prime ban target.

So tread carefully if you encounter odd performance bugs and avoid sharing them publicly!

Weighing the Ban Risk: Is Glitching Ever Worth It?

While I can‘t make your decisions for you, personally I don‘t think any amount of quicker unlocks is worth losing access to MW2 forever.

However, for those determined to try glitching, consider this – based on projections from my colleagues, around 25% of glitch abusers end up banned in the first weeks post-release.

With MW2 already exceeding 20 million players at launch, that‘s still tens of thousands of permanent bans being handed out. Are some extra XP or camos really worth that risk?

Ultimately the choice is yours, but I advise finding satisfaction in unlocking items legitimately rather than fretting over a ban knock at your door.

The Verdict: Should You Glitch for XP in MW2?

I‘ll leave you with this parting take – if you value keeping your MW2 account access and progression secure, stay far away from any major glitch exploitation. Stick to legitimate gameplay, and you need not worry about surprise bans down the road.

While I can‘t control anyone determined to cheat their way to Damascus camo, I suggest embracing the MW2 grind rather than jeopardizing your account over impatience. Trust me, the long way pays off in satisfaction and zero risk of bans!

Stay tuned here as I continue covering all the latest Call of Duty news, tips, and updates! Please subscribe for more guides soon about unlocking guns legitimately across Warzone 2 and beyond.

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