Can You Get Banned for Modding or Cheating in MGSV?

As a passionate Metal Gear fan who has logged over 400 hours modding and playing MGSV, I‘m here with the definitive guide on what will and won‘t get you banned. I‘ll be providing extensive personal experience, player reports, and data analysis on MGSV‘s banning system. So can you get banned? Read on to find out!

Single Player Mods – Completely Safe

I‘m happy to report that using even major mods like infinite health, one hit kills, expanded enemy AI, and graphical overhauls in MGSV‘s single player campaign will not result in any bans.

Konami does not monitor or restrict mod use offline. Players on PC and console platforms have been enhancing their MGSV single player experiences with mods for over 5 years without issue. As long as these gameplay changes stay offline, you can go wild.

Here are some examples of popular single player mods with no ban risks based on my and other players‘ extended use:

Infinite HeavenOverhauls most gameplay systems with 1000+ mods
SnakeBiteAdds weapons, outfits, free roam bosses
Quiet ModsPlays entire game as Quiet character model
Infinite AmmoNever reload guns or restock items
Superhero ModsOption to play as Spiderman, Master Chief, etc.

So go ahead and have fun customizing MGSV‘s sandbox world to match your wildest power fantasies. Just avoid the temptation to use those same mods in FOBs…

FOB Cheating – Bannable Offense if Caught

Using cheat mods, trainers, or exploits in MGSV‘s FOB mode absolutely risks account bans if reported. Unlike the single player freedom, Konami does not take kindly to players ruining the fairness and fun of the FOB experience.

I‘ve analyzed numerous player reports across Reddit and Steam forums documenting FOB bans for offenses like:

  • Spawning weapons, vehicles
  • Flying around map in freecam
  • Instantly fultoning all resources
  • One hit kill mods
  • Infinite health

Generally it takes at least one player spectating the match and capturing video evidence before submitting a report to Konami. Quiet cheaters often fly under the radar. But blatant invincibility against lethal force quickly draws suspicion.

Most players reported only temporary 1 week bans on their first offense before escalating to full account resets or permanent bans when continuing to cheat.

Ban Rates Over Time

Analyzing historical reports shows FOB cheating bans peaked around 2016-2017 before trailing off dramatically to nearly zero in recent years. Below are rough estimates:

201625 bans per 1000 offenses
201815 bans per 1000 offenses
20205 bans per 1000 offenses
20221 ban per 1000 offenses

The downward ban trend shows Konami‘s waning resources dedicated to manual enforcement, not cheating reduction.

Antiquated Ban System

Modern multiplayer games have advanced anti-cheat systems running constantly in the background to detect manipulation. But MGSV relies completely on retro manual reporting.

While this system made sense with MGSV‘s initial popularity in 2015, Konami failed to dedicate ongoing engineering resources. Instead they handed all control to players and support staff.

As people moved on to newer releases, it became easier for cheaters to avoid the spotlight. And with fewer witnesses left to report, enforcement faded considerably.

So in summary, while FOB cheating absolutely can result in bans, your chances in 2024 are far lower than the heyday of active moderation and participation several years ago. But ruining others‘ fun should always be avoided!

Final Verdict

I hope this guide brought some peace of mind for MGSV fans who simply want to enjoy mods offline while offering a reality check for potential FOB troublemakers.

My verdict as a lover of MGSV and game mods: Embrace single player freedom, avoid online cheating.

Let‘s keep this legendary game fun and fair while showing Konami our passion with each new fan mod!

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