Can you get DLC characters for free in MK11?

No, I‘m afraid not my friend. Based on NetherRealm Studio‘s consistent DLC approach the past decade – you‘ll have to spend some koins if you want access to additional fighters for MK11. But before you smash your controller in frustration, let me break down the options on scoring the locked kombatants or other premium content.

See, NRS has always offered new characters and game additions as paid DLC over time. Sometimes they even withhold fan favorites at launch only to sell them back to us later! Pretty savage move if you ask me.

Anyway in MK11 specifically, here‘s the rundown on available DLC packs and content:

Kombat Packs

PackRelease DateCostWhat‘s Included
Kombat Pack 1April 2019$39.996 new fighters plus skins
Aftermath ExpansionMay 2020$39.993 fighters, story expansion
Kombat Pack 2Nov 2020$14.993 fighters and skins

Or you can buy fighters like Terminator, Joker or Rambo separately for around $5.99 each.

Finally they released the Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate edition in late 2020 which bundles all DLC for a steep $59.99. But you save around $40 compared to buying everything individually!

As you can see, WB Games has made sure anything considered "extra" comes at a price. And given NRS‘ tendency to trickle content over months/years after launch, I‘d bet my soul (or what‘s left of it after Shang Tsung…) we‘ll get another Kombat Pack in 2024!

What DLC Can I Score for Free Then?

While the kharacters require kolins, MK11 does unlock some sick stuff at no kost like:

  • Monthly skin packs – Kold War Skarlet is my personal favorite!
  • Klassic Fatalities via latest patch
  • Dead Pool and Soul Chamber arenas

There‘s also Frost who you can unlock by playing story mode, rest of the fighters are readily available from the start.

Oh and Shao Kahn was supposed to be a pre-order bonus only…but looks like that aged poorly cause now he‘s paid DLC too! Pretty messed up if ya ask me.

Unlock Costs Add Up Over Time

Look I get it, fighting games recycling content each year is already sketchy enough. But locking iconic characters behind $40-$90 paywalls every 12 months is just selfish.

In my opinion, MK11 Ultimate for $60 is the best way forward to experience everything in 2024. Buying the same stuff separately would run you almost $100! And that‘s before we get the inevitable Kombat Pack 3.

Anyway, I‘m curious if NRS will ever change their greedier practices? But either way, for us diehard fans the DLC kost keeps adding up over time. Maybe I‘ll take on some side gigs with the Special Forces or something.

Got any other questions on scoring MK11 content my friend? Let me know and I‘ll offer any kombat tips or insights I can!

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