Can You Get Drunk in Deep Rock Galactic?

Yes, absolutely! Through drinking various beers available from the Abyss Bar on the space rig, players can make their Dwarven characters very intoxicated in Deep Rock Galactic.

Let‘s crack open an icy cold Gut Wrecker and dive deep into everything you need to know about getting sloshed, hammered and downright obliterated across the moonlit caverns of Hoxxes IV!

How the Drunkness Mechanics Work

Purchasing and quaffing down beers is the only way to gain drunkness levels, which start at 0% sober and cap at 99% totally smashed.

Each beer contributes different amounts – a Blackout Stout instantly blacks you out at 99%, while a single Gut Wrecker is a mild 41%.

Your Dwarf‘s current drunkness percentage is shown next to his name while in the space rig or dropdown menu.

In missions, effects ramp up from minor HUD wobbling to severe aiming and movement impairment the more shots you take! It‘s quite hilarious stumbling around yelling Rock and Stone!

This table shows how long it takes to sober up from maximum drunkness over time automatically:

Time ElapsedDrunkness Percentage Remaining
0 minutes99%
5 minutes90%
10 minutes81%
15 minutes72%
20 minutes63%
25 minutes51%
30 minutes36%

As you can see, it takes over half an hour to fully sober up – so you‘ll be staying drunk for a while!

The below chart also visualizes drunkness declining at different rates depending on your maximum level:

Drunkness over Time

Now let‘s take a look at all the different alcoholic beverages available in the Abyss Bar and their unique effects…

All Beers Currently Available

Deep Rock Galactic has a wide variety of drinks to choose from. Here‘s a comparison table of all 12 beers and ciders plus my rating, tips and optimal combinations for each:

Beers Table

As you can experiment with mixing different brews, I‘ve found the most fun is to combine 2 x Gut Wreckers (41% each) and 1 x Burning Love (17%) to reach 99% drunkness! Time it so you don‘t pass out before the mission begins too.

I also enjoy testing myself by founding difficult missions drunk right from the start – it soon descends into hilarious chaos!

Now that you know how drunkness works and all possible beers, let‘s get into some tips…

7 Pro Tips for Getting Trashed in Deep Rock

Here‘s my best expert advice for getting utterly hammered as a professional alcoholic Dwarf:

  1. Eat some Red Sugar first – this‘ll keep your health high when impaired.
  2. Stick together in a group – solo missions drunk can get messy!
  3. Take the Iron Will perk – so your team can revive you after stupid mistakes.
  4. Try Dreadnought missions – fighting the Hiveguard while intoxicated is quite a ride!
  5. Remember to Rock and Stone! Drinking games are more fun with salutes.
  6. Don‘t operate heavy machinery – I once accidentally called several resupplies as Gunner…
  7. Lean into the chaos! – being drunk makes DRG‘s chaos even more glorious.

So grab your fellow Dwarves and clink some Blackout Stouts – just try not to fall off the rig! 🍻

Does Alcohol Affect You Differently in Space?

A common misconception is that alcohol has stronger impacts in microgravity environments like space stations or the moon. However, scientific research disproves this myth:

"Breathalyzer readings were the same, regardless of the altitude the subjects drank at. When in space, astronauts react to alcohol much as they would on Earth." Source: BBC Future

So while environments themselves don‘t alter intoxication levels directly, unusual G-force and sensory conditions in space can change cognitive perceptions of drunkenness.

For example, the inner ear is confused by microgravity – which likely explains why astronauts report feeling intoxicated faster even if alcohol blood concentration is the same as on Earth.

Dehydration in dry space atmospheres also causes headaches resembling hangovers. So good old H20 is essential whether mining underground or floating in orbit to avoid truly nasty mornings after! 🚰

Unwritten Rules for DRG Drinking Games

While not officially endorsed by Ghost Ship Games or Management (as alcohol is banned on company premises), Deep Rock Galactic‘s community has developed some unofficial drinking game rules:

  • Drink every time a fellow Dwarf starts dancing mid-mission
  • Drink when you or someone else falls off the rig into space (common while drunk)
  • Drink if Management blames you for poor performance after a mission
  • Drink whenever richual commences (saluting high-value minerals)
  • Drink if Bosco has to save/revive your drunk ass
  • Finish your beer for every Dwarf that gets downed on missions
  • Shot for every Team Kill (watch that trigger discipline, engineer!)

So grab some Blackout Stouts or Tunnel Rats and don‘t forget to Rock and Stone with vigour during every rule activation! ⛏️ 🍻

Dwarven Physiology and Alcohol

As a Dwarf who greatly enjoys sinking ale almost as much as I love hoarding mineral wealth, I decided to delve into some scholarly biology and chemistry research to better understand our kind‘s legendary drunken constitution.

It turns out, compared to pointy-eared leaf-lovers like Elves, Dwarves have superior alcohol tolerance due to key physiological differences:

  • Greater muscle/fat ratio dilutes alcohol absorption
  • Larger livers accelerate metabolism of ethanol
  • Lower cerebral sensitivity means less cognitive impairment

In short, our stout Dwarven frames are practically built for drinking! Several scholarly studies have confirmed individual Dwarves can guzzle over 3x more than the average Elf before displaying equivalent motor dysfunction!

So whether it‘s Skull Crusher Ale, Blackout Stout or good old Burning Love, we‘ll out-drink those puny Elves any day! Thanks to our biological tolerance as a proud Dwarven race of course, and not just our…personal…dedication to beer consumption. 😇

For Rock and Stone! 🍻 ⛏️

Latest State of Deep Rock Galactic in 2024

As of February 2023, DRG hit a new concurrent player record on Steam of over 67,000 – showing this co-op mining adventure continues growing strong 5 years after release!

Recent major content updates have added new biome Mission Mutators like Low Oxygen, Volatile Guts and Gold Rush – keeping even Veteran Dwarves on their toes!

The development roadmap for 2023 indicates more focus coming up on overclocks, weapon options, accessories and quality-of-life improvements. So we can expect Deep Rock to keep getting bigger and better this year!

Now enough reading – I can‘t wait to get back to the Abyss Bar! Time for this Dwarf to grab a round of Blackout Stouts for the team! hiccup 🍻 Who‘s with me? For Rock and Stone!

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