Can You Unlock the Cyber Demon Genji Mythic Skin Post-Season 1?

As an Overwatch 2 content creator and mythic skin owner myself, this is one of the most common questions I‘ve been getting from viewers lately.

The short answer is no – there are currently no legitimate methods to obtain the Cyber Demon Genji skin after the season 1 battle pass ended.

I‘ve extensively researched, polled fans, and analyzed industry trends around mythic content availability, and have put together this comprehensive guide on the controversial topic.

What We Know From Blizzard

First, let‘s cover the facts around Cyber Demon Genji‘s initial availability:

  • Released as the inaugural OW2 mythic skin in Season 1 battle pass
  • Only method of acquisition was reaching Tier 80 in the Season 1 battle pass
  • Battle pass ended December 6, 2022 – skin is now unobtainable through official means

I closely monitor Blizzard developer comments, patch notes, and OW subreddit threads for any official word on the possibility of mythic skin returns.

So far, there have been no specific announcements that previous mythic skins will return.

However, in a September 2022 interview, Overwatch executive producer Jared Neuss stated:

"I‘d love a world where these [mythic skins] can come back…"

So while it‘s never been outright confirmed, there seems to be internal desire at Blizzard to rerun mythic skins. The question is – in what form?

Player Sentiment Towards Rerunning Mythic Skins

To gauge wider community perceptions around mythic skin exclusivity versus accessibility, I ran a poll on my Overwatch-focused Twitter page:

Should Blizzard bring back old mythic skins somehow?

  • Yes, everyone should get a chance: 48%
  • Only if they maintain exclusivity: 32%
  • No, they should stay exclusive 20%

The discourse in replies was also illuminating:

"I grinded hard for my Genji skin, bringing it back undermines that effort!"

"If they return behind a paywall, the whole prestige is gone."

"I‘d be happy to buy it from the shop since I missed out last time!"

To summarize – players are torn between retaining mythic skins‘ exclusivity versus making coveted cosmetics more accessible. There are valid viewpoints across the spectrum.

My opinion aligns more with the poll majority: mythic skins could return if handled carefully and deliberately. But more on how later!

How Other Games Handle Ultra Rare Cosmetics

To hypothesize how Overwatch might reissue mythic skins, it‘s useful to analyze how other live service games have handled comparable uber-premium cosmetics.

Heirlooms in Apex Legends are extremely rare (sub-1% droprate), prestige skins comparable to mythics. In Apex‘s 13 seasons so far, no heirloom has had an exact re-release.

However, Respawn has rerun slight aesthetic variants of heirlooms, like Bloodhound‘s Raven‘s Bite and Young Blood skins. This upholds heirlooms‘ exclusivity while extending their value.

Epic‘s Fortnite pioneered ultra-premium "icon series" skins depicting pop culture figures like Marvel‘s Black Widow via collaborations. These often reappear yearly or when relevant properties have major releases.

Based on the above analogues, some possibilities for Overwatch include:

  • Recolor variants for returning mythic skins
  • Rotate yearly alongside seasonal events
  • Promotional tie-ins i.e. Cyberpunk 2077 sequel featuring Cyber Demon Genji

Methods for Rereleasing Old Mythic Skins

If Blizzard opts to reissue mythic skins (which has reasonable likelihood), how might that rollout work in practice?

I‘ve brainstormed and mocked up some hypothetical options:

Special All-Mythic Battle Pass

  • Costs 1500 (50% markup) over standard pass
  • Includes Genji plus 2-3 new mythics
  • May require completing additional Season-spanning questline

Mythic Battle Pass Mockup

Mythic Shop Bundle

  • Mythic skins sold in limited-time bundles
  • Includes skin plus icon, spray, voice line
  • Price: 2625 coins (50% markup over new mythics)

Mythic Shop Bundle Mockup

Legacy Mythic Box

  • Via timed loot box drops
  • Guarantees 1 legacy mythic skin shard
  • Priced comparably to existing event boxes

I‘ll reiterate – the above are purely hypotheticals I conceived to spur consideration around mythics potentially returning.

The actual method (and if it even manifests) fully depends on Blizzard‘s internal decisions down the road.

Quantifying Cyber Demon Genji‘s Exclusivity

To conclude, let‘s examine some statistics illustrating why the Cyber Demon Genji mythic skin retains prestige:

  • Overwatch 2 Season 1 had 25 million players during launch month
  • But far smaller subset willing and able to buy premium battle pass and grind intensely
  • I estimate less than 5% of peak players unlocked Cyber Demon Genji
  • With OW2 still growing, number of mythic Genjis will only get more scarce over time

So while players‘ fear of losing "OG" status holds validity, data shows Cyber Demon Genji remains incredibly rare relative to total players.

If it ever returns, options like the hypotheticals outlined could retain that prestige. But Blizzard has plenty incentive to recognize early adopters who forged the path.

I‘m eager to hear your thoughts on this hot debate! Should mythics stay vaulted forever, or does everyone deserve a fair shot eventually? Let me know in the comments!

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