Yes, You Can Definitely Get Rid of Vampire Weaknesses in Skyrim!

As an avid Skyrim player with over 500 hours of game time, I‘m here to definitively say there are great ways to minimize or even eliminate the pesky negatives that come with vampirism! Whether you‘re looking for a temporary fix or want to cure it completely, this guide has you covered. Let‘s fang in!

Completely Cure Vampirism with Falion‘s Ritual Quest

Of all methods, doing Falion‘s "Rising at Dawn" ritual quest is the only way to fully restore mortality. To start, ask any bartender about rumors to learn of Falion in Morthal who studies vampires. Speak to him and agree to gather ingredients for the ritual. After collecting them, meet Falion at dawn near the Summoning Stones for a dramatic fiery ceremony, and voila! You‘ll be 100% cured. Pros are completely reversing vampirism with an interesting questline. Cons are losing all vamp bonuses too of course!

Become a Werewolf and Override Vampirism

Joining Skyrim‘s Companions lets you unlock lycanthropy via their inner circle ritual, allowing transformation into a beastly werewolf. This overrides and replaces vampirism while retaining disease immunity! To do so, ask for rumors in Whiterun to kick off their faction quests. Fight alongside them first before the inner circle offers you “the gift.” Howl at the moon and ravage enemies with claw swipes! Being a werewolf is a fun playstyle itself, plus it lets you avoid vampire problems. But you‘ll lose access to those vampire perks. Check the table below to compare them side-by-side!

PerkVampire LordWerewolf
Transformation FrequencyAt willOnce per day
Attack DamageHigh magic damage via spellsExtreme physical damage via melee
Defensive AbilityMagic mist for stealth getawaysInsane health regen during transformation
WeaknessesGeneral vampire weaknesses like sun remainVulnerable while transforming

Use Instant Console Command Cure (PC Only Trick)

This handy trick will instantly cure vampirism at any stage if you‘re playing the PC version. Just hit the ~ tilde key to open the developer console, then type in:

setstage 000EAFD5 10

Hit Enter and booyah! You‘ll get the quest completion notification for curing vampirism right away. So if you ever need on-demand emergency relief from vamp downsides or made a mistake becoming one on PC, there it is! Sadly our console friends miss out here.

Stave Off Worst Effects Through Regular Feeding

Part of managing vampirism is monitoring your "infection" progression across 4 worsening stages as you go longer without feeding. Each brings increased weakness severity. But feeding resets it! According to stats, defeating any NPC that results in absorption confers a 65% chance for a stage point reduction. My tip? Carry blood potions, cast Soul Trap repeatedly on sleeping NPCs to safely feed, and most importantly feast before tough dungeon runs or questing. Staying at stage 1 makes things infinitely smoother!

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So there you have it – plenty of ways to mitigate or even erase vampire problems! My favorite methods are grabbing Necromage for bonus reversal and guzzling blood potions/absorbing souls to control my disease stage. What works best for you? Sound off, fellow vampire tamers!

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