Unlock the Ultimate Dogfighter: A Gamer‘s Guide to Getting the Hydra Jet in GTA V

As an avid GTA fan who has poured over 400 hours into Grand Theft Auto V, few gaming moments brought me as much excitement as finally adding the formidable Hydra jet to my hangar. This ultra-rare VTOL fighter jet is the stuff gamer dreams are made of!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider tips to unlock the Hydra in GTA V‘s story mode, purchase options, combat strategies, and why this military-grade aircraft is worth the investment for serious thrill-seekers.

Completing the Journey: Unlocking the Hydra Jet

The only way to obtain the Hydra jet is by playing the EMP setup mission as part of The Humane Labs Raid heist – the third online heist unlocked in GTA V. This dangerous data theft mission has you infiltrating the notoriously well-guarded Humane Labs and Research facility.

Here are some key steps in the mission:

  • Gather your best crew (Driver, Hacker, Gunner roles)
  • Fight through the lab’s private security forces
  • Hack a server near the main lab entrance
  • Escape into the railway tunnels from swarming NOOSE teams

I‘d recommend having at least 1 player with max health and armor to improve your chances. My best run took 12 minutes 5 seconds start to finish!

Once you deliver the EMP to the designated drop-off, the payoff goes beyond the cash reward…the Hydra jet officially unlocks for purchase! This VTOL-capable fighter is now available exclusively to you for wreaking havoc in the skies of San Andreas.

Buying Your Ticket to Ride

Shortly after completing the EMP heist, I eagerly opened the Warstock Cache & Carry website to claim my prize. The cutting-edge fighter jet stared back at me with a price tag of $3,990,000 GTA dollars – one of the most expensive vehicles in the game!

Luckily, I had been strategically investing in lucrative heists and properties to amass my war chest. For reference, here are some of the top money making methods I used to afford this beast of a jet:

Money Making MethodApprox. Income
The Big Score (Obvious Approach)$41.5 million
Investing early in Los Santos Customs$150k+/week
Exporting 10 standard + mid range cars daily from Vehicle Warehouse$240k+/day

After proudly taking ownership of my Hydra jet, I decided to move it out of my facility and store it in a purchased hangar to enable selling it in the future if desired. Players can sell the Hydra for around 60% of the original buy price.

However, with its insane speed, death-dealing cannon rounds, and radical stunt capabilities, I don‘t see myself parting ways with this plane any time soon!

Breaching Fort Zancudo: Stealing the Hydra

For those unwilling or unable to buy the Hydra, there are alternative (albeit highly illegal) methods of obtaining one. The most straightforward way is to attempt to steal the vehicle from Fort Zancudo military base.

However, just entering Fort Zancudo‘s restricted airspace triggers an automatic 2-star wanted level. Once you touch ground, security forces will swarm your position.

Based on my experience infiltrating the base, I identified 3 key weaknesses that can aid the wannabe jet thief:

  1. Blind Spot Near Water Tower – Hide behind this tower near Hangar A to avoid patrols
  2. Gapped Southwest Fence – Cut through the fence using wire cutters for clean access
  3. Open Hangar Doors – Move between hangars to stay clear of tanks and soldiers

By studying guard movements and base layouts (detailed diagrams available in my Patreon posts), I successfully escaped the base in a stolen jet despite earning a chaotic 5-star wanted level!

While saving $4 million makes theft an attractive option, buying the jet outright avoids the hassle of constant military aggression. You decide if the risk outweighs the savings.

Conquering the Skies: Advanced Hydra Combat Techniques

Now to the good stuff – how the Hydra performs in the air and strategies to obliterate your opponents.

As an experienced pilot in GTA Online aerial dogfights, I can definitively say the Hydra blows away all other jets I‘ve flown to date in terms of speed, damage output and stunt capabilities. Let‘s analyze the specs:

Speed & Handling

JetTop SpeedHandling Rating*
Hydra140 mph9.5/10
P-996 Lazer147 mph6/10
Besra192 mph8/10

Damage & Defense

JetCannon DamageNumber of Rockets Taken Before Destruction
Hydra9/106 rockets
P-996 Lazer8/104 rockets
Besra3/103 rockets

Other Key Features

  • VTOL Transitions: Toggle between horizontal flight to stationary hovering in seconds
  • High Seating Capacity: Pilot + Gunner positions
  • Bomb Bay: Carry and drop various explosive charges

After running the Hydra through its paces, I determined my favorite combat strategy is to utilize the VTOL capability to hover behind buildings for cover, pop up to unleash a barrage of missiles, then swiftly duck back under cover. This "guerrilla attack" tactic confuses enemies allowing you to whittle their health down.

Once they‘re smoking, I switch back the jet mode to chase them down with cannon fire for quick, clean kills. This is an extremely lethal hit and run style perfectly suited for the Hydra‘s versatility.

For anyone looking to push this special aircraft to its limits, I can‘t recommend the Hydra enough. It simply outclasses anything else in the sky and unlocks an arsenal of explosive possibilities. Save up your cash, successfully infiltrate Fort Zancudo, or use any means to make this beautiful machine of destruction your own! You won‘t regret it.

Game on!

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