Can You Get the Osteo Striga Without the Deluxe Edition in Destiny 2?

As a long-time Destiny player and content creator focused on analyzing new weapons and gear, this is a question I‘ve researched extensively since the release of the Witch Queen expansion. And the answer now is: Yes, all players can unlock the Osteo Striga exotic submachine gun through gameplay alone.

Originally billed as a Deluxe Edition-exclusive weapon, Bungie opened up Osteo Striga crafting to all players in Update 4.0.1 on March 23rd, 2022. This was a welcome change enabling more fans to enjoy this meta-defining SMG without paying extra.

Based on my testing and experience masterworking the Osteo Striga over the past few weeks, here is a complete guide to acquiring it along with analysis on whether the Deluxe Edition still offers enough value to justify its higher $79.99 USD pricing.

Step-by-Step Guide: Unlocking the Osteo Striga for All Players

Gaining access to the Osteo Striga exotic now simply requires completing the campaign and starting the crafting process through the Enclave. Here are the steps:

  1. Finish the Witch Queen story missions on any difficulty
  2. Speak with The Relic merchant in the Enclave and purchase the Osteo Striga quest for 200 Neutral Element
  3. Complete the quest steps to extract Resonant Alloy and Neutral Element
  4. Return to the Relic to craft your Osteo Striga weapon frame
  5. Level it to unlock all perks and the catalyst
1Complete Witch Queen Campaign
2Buy Osteo Striga Quest from Relic
3Finish Quest Objectives
4Craft Osteo Striga Frame
5Level Up Weapon to Unlock All Perks

The full process will take several hours but afterwards, all players can enjoy the deadly poison damage and room-clearing potential of this Void 750 RPM SMG.

Osteo Striga Crafting Materials Needed

To complete the quest for extracting Resonant Alloy, you will need the following materials which can be farmed in the Throne World:

  • 250 Neutral Element
  • 30 Resonant Alloy

The Neutral Element is earned from public events, patrols, high value targets. Meanwhile the Resonant Alloy drops from Wellspring activity completions.

So be prepared to grind out some of that Throne World content before getting your hands on the Osteo Striga!

Is the Deluxe Edition Still Worth Buying for Hardcore Players?

With the Osteo Striga now available to all, does the Deluxe Edition still provide good value at $79.99? In my opinion, yes – hardcore Destiny fans will still find the extra content worthwhile:

Benefits of The Witch Queen Deluxe Edition:

  • Early access to Seasons 16-19
  • Two new dungeons launching in Year 5
  • Exclusive Exotic Sparrow, emblem and emote
  • Izanagi‘s Burden Catalyst & Ornament

Particularly for players deeply invested in Destiny 2, the extra dungeons, seasonal content, cosmetics, and premium catalyst make the Deluxe Edition a great purchase.

However, more casual fans satisfied with just the Osteo Striga and core expansion should certainly save their money and grab the Standard Edition.

Conclusion: Craft the Meta Osteo Striga SMG Today!

Bungie opening up acquisition of the Osteo Striga exotic to all players is fantastic for Destiny 2‘s community. Driven by poison rounds and insane ad clear speed, it has quickly become a dominant force across PvE and PvP.

Now anyone can craft it simply by completing the Witch Queen campaign and associated quest. So if you haven‘t given this exotic a try yet, be sure to unlock it ASAP!

For me as a passionate Destiny 2 player and content creator, keeping fans up to date on meta weapons like Osteo Striga is what I love doing. Feel free to ask any other questions – I‘m always happy to share insights on the best new guns, rolls, and gear to chase in this stellar sci-fi looter shooter!

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