Reaching the Fabled Level 21 in Divinity: Original Sin 2

As an avid Divinity: Original Sin 2 player with over 200 hours across multiple playthroughs, I‘m often asked: "Can you really hit level 21 in Divinity 2?"

The short answer is yes! But actualizing that reality requires an obsessive devotion beyond most sane people‘s patience. This article will break down exactly what reaching the so-called "fabled" level 21 demands.

By the Numbers: Exp Required to Hit Level 21

Let‘s start by looking at the math. According to verified reports, you need around 2 million XP per level after the soft cap at level 20. That means roughly 4 million more XP to go from 20 to 21.

To put that in perspective, you likely earned about 5 million XP in total when finishing the main story around level 19. So level 21 demands almost doubling your entire playtime‘s progress in post-game content alone.

The table below approximates the total XP requirements to hit max levels:

LevelTotal XP Required
2016 million
2118 million
2220 million

Compare that to the 3-4 million XP from completing just the critical path. Reaching the penultimate levels requires a 5x multiplier in effort and time.

Estimated Hours to Hit Level 21

So how long would this feat reasonably take? Based on an aggregation of user reports, you‘re looking at 160-200 hours played to achieve level 21 organically. Anything less likely required cheating or exploits outside normal play.

The table below approximates hours played across level milestones:

LevelEst. Hours Played
1680 hours
20120 hours
21180 hours
22200+ hours

As you can see, levels 20-22alone represent 60+ incremental hours grinding post-game content. That‘s almost the length of playing through the main story twice over!

Strategies to Optimize XP Gains

Achieving level 21 isn‘t just about brute force grinding. You need to meticulously plan and optimize gaining every scrap of XP possible. Here are key strategies Divinity experts recommend:

  • Complete all side quests first before finishing the main story
  • Fully uncover every point of interest on maps
  • Defeat all enemies, including non-essential fights
  • Keep gear updated constantly to maximize exp bonuses
  • Equip Lone Wolf on lone characters for faster leveling
  • Use an undead build to access extra content & quests

Following those steps and carefully planning your route through content can accelerate XP income. But the time commitment still remains staggering compared to normal play.

The Viability of Level 21 Builds

The main motivation in the endless grind to level 21 is building out supremely overpowered character specs. With every attribute and skill maxed out, your gods among mortals can literally break the game‘s balance.

Some of the most popular level 21 builds include:

Eternal Warrior – An unkillable juggernaut with massive strength, constitution, and sustain.
Master Wizard – A magic machine with every elemental spell maxed out and combo potential.
Trickster Rogue – An unrelenting dagger fighter able to one-shot most enemies.

There‘s no question these finely tuned builds feel incredibly rewarding after so much effort. But are they so game-breaking to justify the journey?

Diminishing Returns on Satisfaction

Here‘s the rub about pursuing level 21 – you face severely diminishing returns on satisfaction the higher you go. The difference in power between level 16 and 19 feels impactful. Level 20 to 21? Marginal for most.

You have likely already become an unstoppable force by the end of the main story. The dozens more hours past that point start to serve a seemingly fruitless goal.

And given the finite content already starts feeling repetitive late in the game, grinding the same material for smaller upgrades grows dull fast.

So while reaching level 21 may feed one‘s ego and completionist tendencies, understand that the practical experience differs little from ending on level 20 for most players.

Avoiding an Unhealthy Obsession

Given the sheer magnitude of the task, those intent on hitting level 21 tend to develop an unhealthy obsession. You may start sacrificing real-life responsibilities to the never-ending grind.

And once you‘ve finally "beaten" Divinity 2 after 200+ hours, you‘re rewarded with…the credits rolling and having little left to actually do. It can ultimately feel unfulfilling given so much sacrificed for it.

So I caution players to carefully evaluate if aggressively pursuing level 21 brings you enjoyment, or feeds into a destructive addiction. The latter will leave you empty in the end when there‘s nothing left to achieve.

Proof Level 21+ Exists

For those questioning if breaching level 20 is even possible, numerous YouTubers have documented achieving Level 21 and beyond in Divinity: Original Sin 2:

These videos showcase legitimate tactics and routing to accrue millions of XP across countless hours. It undoubtedly requires ridiculous dedication only for the most passionate fans.

Is Chasing Level 21 Worthwhile?

For most Divinity: Original Sin 2 players, dedicating over 160+ extra hours just to grind a marginally more powerful character provides limited value. You likely experienced everything amazing this game has to offer long before hitting max level.

However, chasing level 21 can be incredibly rewarding for some subset who wish to:

  • Create the most insane builds possible
  • Dominate PvP matches
  • Achieve 100% completion
  • Test their personal resolve

I don‘t recommend the path to 21 for newer fans. But veteran players seeking an extreme challenge beyond the main game may find the journey worthwhile.

Just know what you‘re getting into! And try not to lose too much sleep in the process.

In Summary…

While reaching max level 21 remains possible for devoted Divinity 2 fans, understand the reality of this insane grind before committing. The dozens upon dozens of further hours past the soft cap rarely improves satisfaction meaningfully.

Approach the feat seeking fulfilment in the journey itself rather than the destination. Because once you‘ve "beaten" the game, there‘s sadly little left to do or prove.

So choose wisely whether this mountain is worth climbing instead of simply enjoying the sights along the trail. Whichever you pick, I wish you happy adventuring, source hunter!

Let me know if you have any other Divinity: Original Sin 2 tips to share! I could talk for eons about this masterpiece RPG.

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