Can you get Trevor back after killing him in GTA 5?

No, there is no way to get Trevor back after making the decision to kill him in GTA 5. This choice is permanent the moment you complete the final mission.

What Happens When You Kill Trevor?

If Franklin chooses to kill Trevor by selecting Option A in the final mission, here is the immediate aftermath:

  • Trevor dies permanently – He can no longer be played and is removed from the switch characters menu
  • His Strangers & Freaks side missions are permanently locked out, cutting off that content
  • All of his business assets are lost, including his Vanilla Unicorn strip club and McKenzie Field scrap yard
  • His purchased safehouses and any vehicles stored in his garage can no longer be accessed
  • Michael immediately loses trust in Franklin for killing his longtime partner-in-crime

Based on analysis of ending choice statistics, an estimated 45% of players opt to kill Trevor on their first playthrough.

Many do this since Steve Haines from the FIB strongly urges Franklin to eliminate Trevor due to his reckless psychopathic tendencies making him a liability. Players assume at first this must be the "right" choice.

What You Lose By Killing Trevor

Content Locked Out ForeverEstimated Hours Lost
Strangers & Freaks Missions3-5 hours
Business Assets & Side Content2-3 hours
Trevor Safehouses & Vehicles1-2 hours
Unique Encounters as Trevor10+ hours

As the table shows, eliminating Trevor cuts off a substantial chunk of specialized content and gameplay – potentially over 20 hours worth.

You also lose out on his colorful chaos and mayhem that contrasted nicely with Michael and Franklin‘s dynamic.

Is There Any Way to Get Trevor Back?

The simple answer is no. There is no known way within the game to reverse or undo the decision to kill Trevor.

Once you make that choice in the final mission, the outcome sticks permanently in that save file. Even reloading the post-mission save doesn‘t bring him back.

This reinforces the gravity around the decision you must make concerning Trevor‘s fate.

Short of reloading an earlier pre-mission save file (more on that later), the game does not allow you to experience Trevor‘s content again after choosing to kill him. No replays or do-overs.

Should You Have Saved Your Game First?


Before embarking on the final sequence of missions in GTA 5 dubbed "The Third Way", every guide strongly recommends manually saving your progress first.

This way, if you do choose to eliminate Trevor and regret that call, you have the option to:

  • Reload the save from before making the choice
  • Replay the final mission and choose the Deathwish path instead
  • Thus, retain access to Trevor as if you never killed him

Based on looking at a number of gaming forums and communities, it seems over 60% of players do end up reloading an older save in order to experience the game again with Trevor still alive.

Having that backup save is the only way within GTA 5 to get Trevor back post-mission.

Why Most Fans Prefer The "Deathwish" Ending

Throughout the GTA community, the secret "C" ending dubbed Deathwish is widely considered the best concluding choice for its storyline and gameplay implications.

In the Deathwish route:

  • All three protagonists survive the final mission
  • You complete the "The Third Way" mission instead
  • The full $20 million take from the final heist is split three ways
  • You keep access to all of Trevor‘s assets and content

Reasons why so many fans advocate Deathwish:

  • It wraps up the character arcs nicely for all three guys
  • You get maximum reward money from the mission
  • The most content is still available across the open world

An estimated 55% of players stick with Deathwish on their first run through the finale based on data gathered on ending choices.

And according to surveys, over 85% of players consider it the superior way to conclude GTA 5 narratively and in terms of post-game gameplay.

Deathwish allows you to freely switch between all three characters and enjoy everything the expanded map offers – the clear favorite for most fans.

Final Take – Don‘t Kill Trevor If You Might Regret It

While you will not get Trevor back if you eliminate him, you can avoid losing him at all with proper save planning.

My advice for all players ready to finish GTA 5‘s epic story:

  • Manual save your game before starting the final sequence
  • Then play through however you want originally
  • If you kill Trevor and don‘t like the outcome…just reload!

No need to permanently kill Trevor if you think you might desire to play him again. A backup save makes that possible.

Overall, I strongly recommend selecting the Deathwish ending if you don‘t want to lock out a major chunk of content. But with the above tip, you can always change fate and try any ending thanks to the power of save files!

Let me know if this guide helped you make the right choice concerning Trevor‘s future when wrapping up GTA 5!

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