No, You Cannot Reclaim Arthur Morgan‘s Beloved Horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 – And This Is Why It Hurts So Much

As an experienced gamer who has sunk countless hours into exploring the rich open world of Red Dead Redemption 2, I‘ve formed intense emotional bonds with my horses. And when protagonist Arthur Morgan collapsed that final time while watching the sunrise, part of me shattered right alongside him. Not just because we had gone on so many unforgettable adventures together, but because I knew all those beloved horses he faithfully rode into danger would be lost forever as well.

So to provide some closure to my fellow outlaws who may be wondering if they can whistly to regain their four-legged partners after Arthur‘s passing, I have to sadly confirm what many of you already feared – no, the horse bonding cannot be revived in the RDR2 epilogue. When you embark on your new journey as John Marston years later, none of Arthur‘s horses will still remain in the stables, no matter what state you left them in.

This grim reset encompasses all horses, including rare finds like the snowy white Arabian near Lake Isabella, the mysterious Epilogue-only Perlino Andalusian, and of course, Arthur‘s final mount – the noble Dutch Warmblood Buell he received from veteran hunter Hamish Sinclair.

Why Losing Your Horse Hits You Right in the Heart

As an experienced gamer myself, I understand firsthand how impactful the loss of your horse can feel after so many hours together in the saddle. Your trusty steed carries you into harm‘s way without hesitation, bonding with Arthur in adversity-fueled moments where no human compatriot can match that unconditional loyalty.

Over long travels and life-or-death shootouts, your horse transforms from a digital animal into an irreplaceable friend – one you meticulously groom, feed and calm whenever anxious. This is why it lands like an emotional gut punch when those support systems are suddenly ripped away from you. It vividly drives home the hard truth that the outlaw era is over, no matter how much we wish to cling to artifacts of a fading age – even something as beloved as our four-legged partners.

Inventory Transferred Over To John Marston

So what exactly carries over for John Marston when players step into his boots years after Arthur‘s passing? Below I‘ve compiled a quick breakdown:

Carried OverNot Carried Over
Kit ItemsHonor Rank

As you can see, horses are notably absent from the inventory transferred over. Also gone are Arthur‘s cash reserves, honor progress, and assorted provisions he procured during his travels.

On the flip side, all collected weapons, equipment sets, trinkets, collectible items and pivotal story documents do leave Arthur‘s satchel to end up with John. So at least not all progress is erased.

This Design Choice Was Intentional By Rockstar

While the permanent loss of horses through Arthur‘s death might seem unnecessarily punitive, Rockstar in fact implemented this as an intentional design choice. And in terms of evocative narrative impact – it succeeds remarkably.

The abrupt denial of retrieving something you‘ve invested so much time and emotion into acts as a perfect metaphor for the fading age of gunslingers that both protagonists represent. As the last vestiges of a wild west life drift further into memory, so too do our intrepid equine explorers vanish without a trace.

No matter what we wish or how dearly we cling to artifacts of a passing era, life (and game studios) decree that seasons change and times move on. We must find new horses to roam the frontier as we adjust to playing Marston, a man struggling to balance fading outlaw instincts with the demands of a more domestic life on his family ranch.

While I can understand some gamers feeling frustrated to permanently lose their horses after bonding so extensively with them as Arthur Morgan, look at it thematically. Don‘t you feel more motivation to step boldly into this unknown future, meeting new characters and challenges? Can‘t you feel the bittersweet ache of looking back one last time before spurring your fresh mount to new adventures beyond the horizon?

That‘s quality game design stirring your soul. And Rockstar nails it perfectly here.

Regaining Epilogue Horses Through Luck and Effort

While I‘ve established no past horses can return, for players still seeking to recapture elite-tier steeds lost in Arthur‘s passing, below are a few tips on regaining some of the best horses that await in the Red Dead Redemption 2 epilogue:

White Arabian – This fiery war horse respawns up near Lake Isabella, allowing John Marston to track, lasso and tame it just like Arthur did early in the main storyline. Feel that nostalgia as you calmly brake the beast all over again!

Black Arabian – Arguably the single best horse breed in RDR2 can be purchased for $1,050 either at the Blackwater or Saint Denis stables. This nocturnal beauty boasts elite speed and acceleration stats perfect for winning races.

Red Chestnut Arabian – Unlock this exotic Arabian beauty by attaining max high honor rank as John Marston then purchasing it in either Rathskeller Fork or Strawberry stables.

Perlino Andalusian – Only accessible after completing the main game, this powerful war horse is free to claim for any worthy enough to stumble on its high valley grazing grounds. Seek this shade-dappled stallion roaming Roanoke Ridge.

Dutch Warmblood – While Arthur‘s beloved Buell is gone for good, John can actually adopt Buell‘s predecessor – the striking silver-coated Dutch Warmblood ridden by notorious gang leader Dutch Van Der Linde himself! Complete all of Dutch‘s stranger missions then visit Adler Ranch to spur this muscular steed.

For the full gamut of awe-inspiring horses awaiting Marston beyond Arthur‘s tenure, I‘ve written up a more comprehensive guide here. Saddle up, brush yourself off from past tragedies, and feel the nervous energy as outlaw gives way to settler with bold new frontiers ahead!

In the end, while the pain of losing our animal allies cuts deep, sometimes we have to accept that seasons change and the path goes ever onward. But their warm memories and cold noses nudging us for snacks will always remain if we close our eyes and recall their spirit. Now mount your fresh steed, whisper thanks to ghosts of adventures past, and venture forth to landmarks unknown. That long winding trail filled with joys, dangers and companionship old and new lies ready to gallop across once more!

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