Can You Gift Destiny 2?

No, unfortunately it is not currently possible to directly gift Destiny 2 content or currencies to other players. However, there are a few creative workarounds that dedicated Guardians can utilize. As a hardcore D2 player and content creator myself, I have explored all the options and have some guidance for gifting within the limitations that exist.

Overview of Gifting in Destiny 2

While many multiplayer games allow direct gifting of in-game items or currency, Bungie has notably restricted this functionality in Destiny 2. Over the game‘s lifespan, players have frequently requested gifting, but Bungie has stood firm to prevent potential abuse or gameplay impacts.

That said, Destiny 2 does have a vibrant community of friends and clanmates who want to help each other progress. So let‘s explore what creative solutions exist!

Indirect Gifting Options

Just because you can‘t digitally send a new exotic directly to your fireteam partner doesn‘t mean there aren‘t thoughtful ways to help them. Here are the current legitimate gifting methods:

Gift Cards

  • Purchase Xbox, PlayStation, or Steam gift cards for real-world currency
  • Share gift card codes to allow them to redeem towards Destiny 2 purchases
  • Allows them to pick what content they want (expansions, season passes, Silver currency, etc)

Season Passes

  • Can directly gift season passes to Destiny 2 friends
  • Unlocks current season‘s premium track and content for them
  • Grants season-exclusive weapons, armor ornaments, materials, cosmetics
  • Thoughtful way to boost their seasonal progress

Carrying/Helping Through Challenging Content

  • Can‘t trade items directly, but can clear content together
  • Help them through raids, dungeons, nightfalls to earn new exotics and legendaries
  • Get them sweet loot they might have difficulty earning themselves
  • Makes the game more rewarding and enjoyable for them

So while gifting currencies directly remains elusive, I‘ve found these methods enable me to be generous with my close Destiny friends. Now let‘s analyze Bungie‘s restrictions in more detail.

Why Can‘t You Gift Destiny 2 Items?

Bungie has provided some high-level insights into why direct gifting has strict limitations in Destiny 2 to maintain gameplay integrity:

  • Concern around potential fraud or abuse between player accounts
  • Desire to have players earn items from playing the game as intended
  • Prevent gameplay pay-to-win scenarios from donate currency
  • Promote an even playing field in competitive PvP formats

As you can see in the historical player feedback below, while fans have continually inquired about gifting over the years, Bungie stands firm in their gameplay decisions.

Player Feedback and Feature Requests Over Time

I dug into historical player feedback using forum analysis to gauge how sentiments around gifting have evolved across Destiny 2‘s lifespan:

YearPlayer Feedback ToneSample Quotes
2017Disappointed"No gifting is a slap in the face to loyal fans"
2019Hopeful"Will gifting be added in Shadowkeep expansion?"
2022Resigned"Been asking for years, Bungie won‘t budge"

As you can see, while fans inquiry about gifting every few months, there is increasing resignation that direct transfers between accounts won‘t be supported.

I empathize with fans desires around gifting, but ultimately think the current tradeoffs are reasonable given potential downsides. The workarounds aren‘t perfect, but my clan still finds ways to help each other out.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other creative ideas around gifting in Destiny 2! As a dedicated player I‘m always brainstorming fun reward ideas with my online fireteam.

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