Can You Go to Jail in The Sims Games?

In short – yes, Sims can go to jail in some of the games, but this feature has changed dramatically over time and often requires modding now. Read on for a deeper look at the history and current state of criminal justice for Sims!

The Sims (2000)

In the original 2000 release of The Sims, jail time was a possible random event for Sims working in the top levels of the Criminal career track.

According to the fan-run Sims fandom wiki:

"Sims in the top levels of the Criminal career track could randomly receive a career chance card, the potential negative outcome of which would result in them being sent to jail (off-screen) for a period of game time."

So while no actual jail location existed in the game, Sims could be temporarily sent away to serve time. This added fun risk and consequence to pursuing shady careers.

The Sims 2 (2004) & The Sims 3 (2009)

Both major sequels to the original Sims moved away from the chance card system that could result in surprise jail time. Permadeath was still possible in these games, but being arrested and jailed specifically was no longer a feature for base game Sims.

The Sims 3 did still allow for Sims to be detained by police with the Ambitions expansion pack installed. But the actual jail infrastructure and serving sentences aspect was still not there.

The Sims 4 (2014)

In the current Sims 4 base game, going to jail is not possible at all. Even with police present in some towns, they serve no real function besides decorative authority figures milling about.

However, modders quickly filled this gap for players seeking more hardcore criminal gameplay options.

Extreme Violence Mod

The Extreme Violence Mod by creator Sacrificial introduces brawling, firearms, murder, and enhanced police response into Sims 4.

Including the ability for your Sims to be arrested and jailed for their crimes if caught. It adds both lethal and non-lethal weapons to enact graphic physical violence upon other Sims. And killing another Sim in front of witnesses runs the risk of police intervening.

Fun Fact: As of February 2023, the Extreme Violence Mod has over 1.6 million downloads on ModTheSims and is one of the site‘s most popular mods.

When police catch a Sim mid-criminal act or are called to an extreme violence incident, they will attempt to arrest the perpetrator Sim. If the arrest is successful, the perpetrator will be transported away from the lot briefly.

After 1-2 days they will return from their sudden jailing, gaining the recently imprisoned moodlet for 24 hours. With the Mod The Sims version, a new hidden jail rabbit hole is also added to the neighborhood for your incarcerated Sims to be sent.

So Extreme Violence finally brings back true crime and punishment, even if abstracted behind load screens at times. Personally I find it adds a ton of dark humor and chaos potential!

Basemental Drugs Mod

Another hugely popular mod – Basemental by creator Basemental – injects a fully fleshed out drug dealing and usage system into Sims 4. Sims can produce, distribute, buy, and use various narcotics.

And naturally, you didn‘t think the 5-0 would take kindly to rampant suburban drug rings popping up huh?

The mod includes a revamped police system where neighborhood patrol officer NPCs will routinely scan nearby Sims and venues for illicit substances. Getting caught with drugs can result in arrest and fines.

When arrested after a failed drug bust interaction with police, your Sim will receive a temporary invisible "In Jail" moodlet causing them to vanish from the lot for 6-12 hours before reappearing.

During jailing they continue to lose needs and can lose their job too. So despite no scenic cell depicted, jail time is still impactful under Basemental!

Another Fun Fact: over 4 million Simmers have downloaded Basemental Drugs as of today to play drug kingpin!

While lacking visual jail, I again enjoy the realism and consequences this mod introduces. Nothing like a tense police shakedown during a deal to get the adrenaline pumping!

Community Reactions

These mods cater to a desire for more mature, edgy gameplay that the Teen rated Sims 4 understandably avoids in official capacity. Based on community reception, players welcome the options:

ModModTheSims RatingModTheSims Downloads
Extreme Violence4.88 stars1.6 million
Basemental Drugs4.82 stars800k+

Both mods sport overwhelmingly positive ratings after years on ModTheSims, indicative of Simmers craving crime and vice systems.

The resident bad boy anarchist in me smirks at these censorship-defying modders expanding horizons under EA‘s nose. But the mods do tackle very adult themes that wouldn‘t suit younger demographics.

Ultimately play with caution and proper Content Warning consideration if trying either! They can absolutely enable disturbing scenarios unavailable in the vanilla game.

But for those who do enjoy the sociopathic freedom these mods permit, arrests and jail time are back on the menu boys! Just try not to �drop the soap� too much bubba…

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments, and be sure to subscribe for more boundary-pushing mod highlights!

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