Yes, You Can Absolutely Have Multiple Seasonal Characters in Diablo 3!

As a passionate Diablo 3 player and content creator, one of the most common questions I see is whether you can have two or more seasonal characters during the same season.

The quick answer is – yes, definitely! Blizzard imposes no limits on how many seasonal heroes you can create and play in a season.

In this detailed guide from a Diablo veteran, I‘ll cover everything you need to know:

An Overview of Diablo 3 Seasonal Characters

For those new to seasons, here‘s a quick explanation:

  • Seasons provide a fresh start every few months
  • New super-powerful legendary items and cosmetic rewards
  • Special seasonal achievements and journey to complete
  • Seasonal-only legendary gems and item powers

Your seasonal heroes get access to all these bonuses. And at the end of the season, they convert to regular non-seasonal status without losing anything.

But the main draw is the completely fresh start where everyone begins the grind for late-game gear from zero. Both veterans and newbies love this equal playing field.

Now let‘s talk about playing multiple classes each season…

Yes, You Can Create Multiple Seasonal Heroes!

The main restrictions around seasonal characters are:

  • One full class set from Haedrig‘s Gifts per mode (hardcore vs softcore)
  • Up to three rebirths turning non-seasonal heroes to seasonal

Aside from the above, you can have as many seasonal heroes as you want! I often have one of each class going simultaneously.

Blizzard knows players love experimenting with new builds and farming for perfect gear. So feel free to go season-character crazy!

Choosing Classes and Planning Rebirths

Here‘s my pro-tip:

Carefully plan which classes you want to play and budget rebirths before a season starts.

With up to three rebirths, you can quickly stand up three geared level 70‘s on day one. Use them for:

  1. Your main class for solo push
  2. Speed farming build for bounties/rifts
  3. Support build for group meta

And then level additional characters normally as you desire.

Prioritizing rebirths for your most vital roles lets you maximize early season group efficiency.

What Gets Shared (And What Doesn‘t)

While you can have multiple seasonal heroes, they won‘t share everything:

Independent Per Character

  • Items currently equipped or in individual stash
  • Paragon levels and unlocked points
  • Extracted legendary powers in Kanai‘s Cube
  • Skill and rune selections
  • Season journey progression

Shared By All Seasonal Heroes

  • Stash tabs and total space
  • Artisan progression (blacksmith, jeweler, mystic)
  • Follower level and gear
  • Gold reserves

So gear up and experiment without worrying about breaking shared limits!

Season Journey Progress Across Heroes

One question players have is how the Season Journey tracks across multiple heroes.

First, the Season Journey provides major rewards that accelerate gearing up. This includes:

  • Full class set
  • Extra stash tab
  • Cosmetics like pets, wings and portraits

The criteria looks at your entire account‘s seasonal accomplishments. So if your Wizard completes a chapter, the prizes become available to all heroes.

However, claiming a chapter reward does lock your mode to receiving just ONE class set. Make sure to claim on the hero wearing the desired set!

What Happens at the End of the Season?

When the seasonal buff expires, all heroes and items seamlessly convert to non-season status. Here are the details:


  • Seasonal and non-seasonal Paragon XP gets combined
  • Heroes switch to non-seasonal but keep all gear equipped


  • Everything in seasonal stash gets mailed out to characters
  • Currency, crafting mats, gems and armor pieces don‘t need to be claimed

So you lose nothing you earned on any seasonal heroes or in the shared stash. Play and experiment freely all season long without worrying about the transition!

Seasonal vs Non-seasonal Characters – What‘s the Difference?

For players unfamiliar with the concept, what is the difference between seasonal and normal heroes?

Besides the fresh economy and gear reset, there are other perks to seasonal characters. These include:

  1. Special legendary powers and items not available non-seasonally
  2. New super powerful rank 150 legendary gems
  3. Seasonal achievements and cosmetic rewards
  4. Seasonal themes that modify gameplay

Plus, your entire community returns to the game with the new season, creating a thriving online player base.

Once the seasonal buff expires, the two types of heroes become largely the same. The main exceptions are a few legacy items missing on converted seasonal heroes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Let‘s wrap up with answers to common Seasonal character questions:

Q: Can I have two Seasonal Barbarians?

A: Yes! Feel free to test Whirlwind, Rend or Frenzy builds simultaneously.

Q: Do all items in Seasonal stash transfer over?

A: At season end, the entire stash contents get mailed to non-seasonal. Nothing gets lost.

Q: Should I rebirth more than 3 characters?

A: Probably not, since you only keep equipped items. Better to level fresh.

Q: Can I group season and non-season?

A: No, these heroes remain separate until season end merger.


I hope this guide clears up any confusion around Diablo 3‘s seasonal hero system. The main takeaway:

Yes, you can and should create multiple seasonal characters for some furious farming action! Blizzard imposes essentially no limits, so experiment with all seven classes every season.

Just make intelligent choices on rebirths and your free sets, especially if pushing late-game Greater Rifts.

Now get theorycrafting the next overpowered seasonal build as we anticipate the upcoming theme and patch notes!

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