No, You Cannot Have Kids in Kenshi

Kenshi does not feature any marriage, relationship, or childbearing mechanics. Developer comments confirm family dynamics are too complex to implement in the squad-based gameplay. Instead, the game encourages players to treat their squad of warriors as their family and companions.

As a passionate Kenshi gamer and content creator, I‘ve done extensive research into the possibility of having kids in this expansive RPG. In this guide, I cover key details like squad limits, age ratings, and features the Kenshi 2 prequel could include.

What is Kenshi‘s Current Squad Limit?

The maximum squad size you can control in Kenshi is capped at 30 characters. With mods, you can push this recruitment limit even higher:

Recruitment Limit FeaturesBase Game256 Recruitment Limit Mod
Maximum Recruits30256
Max Squad Members2050
Max Squads1020

So while you cannot have kids and raise families, you can build quite a formidable faction of over 250 warriors to roam Kenshi‘s dangerous world!

Kenshi‘s Age Rating and Violence Limit Family Appeal

Kenshi carries a mature 18+ rating for its gritty violence and enslavement themes. You engage in lethal battles against various factions and creatures across the landscape. Imprisonment mechanics are also present – getting captured can land your squad in forced labor camps.

These dark themes likely limit the appeal of family dynamics in Kenshi. However, the lack of marriage systems hasn‘t stopped the game from providing an acclaimed open world RPG experience. As your squad battles across the post-apocalyptic wasteland, the bonds between companions take center stage.

Kenshi 2 Could Expand Relationship and NPC Interaction Systems

While full family mechanics are still improbable, Kenshi 2 aims to enhance the roleplaying experience with more advanced NPC relationship systems compared to the original squad-based gameplay.

As quoted from a developer blog post:

"The unique characters found wandering the lands of Kenshi each have their own backstory, goals and driving motivations, as well as voiced barks and unique dialogue trees to bring greater depth to the world."

The Kenshi 2 prequel will still focus on the series‘ signature open world survival gameplay. But a greater emphasis on character interactions could pave the way for future titles to incorporate complex social dynamics like marriages and childbearing.

Final Thoughts

As an avid Kenshi gamer, I‘m hopeful future sequels expand relationship systems to allow family structures, though this seems unlikely in the direct Kenshi 2 prequel. In my opinion, the current squad mechanic encourages forging unbreakable bonds between player-created wanderers.

While you can‘t bear children in Kenshi, the game provides endless gameplay possibilities to wander the wasteland and shape a unique story with your loyal band of followers at your side. I‘d love to hear your thoughts on incorporating families into Kenshi! Would you prefer if future games expanded relationship mechanics and dynastic elements? Let me know in the comments!

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