Yes, You Can Have Multiple Pets in Wasteland 3 – Here‘s How

As a grizzled Desert Ranger prowling the post-apocalyptic Colorado wastes, having an animal companion by your side can mean the difference between life and death. I‘m here to report that yes, it is possible to have multiple pets in Wasteland 3! However, there are some caveats to understand first.

The Basics: One Pet at a Time…Usually

By default, each custom ranger you create can tame one animal sidekick to follow them at a time. This faithful companion will soak up bullets, rend flesh, and even buff your stats in battle. Not bad for an irradiated mutt!

You‘re intended to make do with just the one pet per ranger. But I‘ve discovered some loopholes that let you circumvent that limit…

Loophole #1: Unique Pets are an Exception

While roving Colorado‘s remnants, I stumbled on a variety of unique animals enhanced by strange science or mutations. These special pets actually dismiss the "one pet" rule and give you options for multiples.

For example, acquiring Poultron the cyborg chicken did NOT force me to abandon the honey badger already accompanying my ranger. I was suddenly rolling with two pets at once!

Here are a few other unique pets I‘d recommend seeking out:

NameTypeBonus AbilityLocation
PoultronCyborg ChickenFire breath attackVictory‘s Hollow
Honey BadgerAnimalBonus evasionRanger HQ kennels
SparkyRobot DogElectric bark attackBizarre Police Station

So if you spy any unusually augmented animals, grab them for a potential second pet!

Loophole #2: The Kennel Trick

When you dismiss a regular tamed pet, it heads back to a random encounter pool instead of following you directly.

But! Any pets sent to the Ranger HQ kennels remain as named NPCs you can re-tame later without battle.

This means you can chain tame multiples, parking excess pets in the kennels to swap into your active party whenever needed. It takes more effort than unique pets, but still lets you accrue a whole menagerie of animal buddies!

Ideal Pet Party Composition

Thanks to these tricks, you can deploy multiples pets at once. But which animals make the best wasteland wanderers? Based on my firsthand experience, here is how I‘d rank pets in Wasteland 3:

TierPet OptionsRating
SGopherSelf-healing tanks with strong buffs/debuffs
AHoney BadgerFast disruptors sporting bonus evasion
BGoat, Pig, RoosterSolid all-around brawlers
CCat, Chicken, DogBasic "meat shield" distractions

I‘d suggest at least one Gopher pet to maximize party-wide damage and survivability. Fill other slots with Honey Badgers to outflank enemies or farmxp combos to mow hordes down faster.

Parting Tips for Pet Pros

To wrap up, I‘ll leave my fellow Wasteland wanderers with these final words of pet-related wisdom:

  • Use animal whisperer 10 early to open up powerful pet types like rattlesnakes
  • Spec at least one custom ranger fully for pets to maximize bonuses
  • Outfit pets with gear/ mods to shore up weaknesses
  • Retain unique pets even if swapping – they level up in kennels!

Now you‘ve got the insider info on collecting multiple pets for your squad. Get out there, build the perfect animal army, and bring even the toughest foes like the Golden Scorpitron to heel! This is one fight even The Patriarch can‘t hope to win against.

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