Can You Have Two Pokemon Go Accounts on One Email?

As an avid Pokemon Go player and gaming expert, I can definitively say no, you cannot have two Pokemon Go accounts registered on the same email address. Niantic strictly prohibits this, for reasons including security risks, cheating prevention, and violating their Terms of Service.

However, some trainers still wish to have alt accounts in Pokemon Go. So in this guide, I‘ll cover:

  • Why Niantic bans two accounts per email
  • The risks and rewards of alt accounts
  • Potential workarounds to legally create more accounts
  • Whether multiple accounts are ultimately worth pursuing

Let‘s dive in!

Why Niantic Prohibits Multiple Accounts on 1 Email

Niantic is very strict about allowing only one account per email address. As a long-time Pokemon gamer, I see three core reasons why:

1. Account Ownership and Security Issues

If two accounts were registered to one email address, it would create uncertainty over who rightfully owns those accounts.

For example, if both accounts somehow became inaccessible, which trainer is the valid owner? Who has the right to recover them?

Without separate emails, Niantic has no definitive way to verify actual account ownership. This constitutes a major security risk they cannot take.

2. Cheating and Multi-Accounting Prevention

Preventing multiple accounts on one email also serves to curb cheating through multi-accounting exploits.

When an individual player controls multiple accounts, they gain significant gameplay advantages by:

  • Hoarding Pokemon across accounts
  • Dominating gyms with alt accounts
  • Maximizing daily raid pass allowances
  • And more…

This form of multi-accounting essentially “breaks” fair gameplay. Niantic specifically prohibits it to maintain integrity as a competitive game.

3. Adherence to Terms of Service

Most importantly, Niantic deems most types of multi-accounting as violations of their Terms of Service.

So by their rules and standards, linking two accounts to one email is strictly prohibited. As players, adherence to their ToS is mandatory if we wish to enjoy Pokemon Go.

Potential Workarounds for Multiple Accounts

Now I must reiterate – I don’t recommend violating Terms of Service. Pursuing multiple accounts does carry inherent risks.

But for my fellow gaming enthusiasts curious about potential workarounds, there are two hypothetical options:

Workaround 1: Create Entirely New Email Accounts

One method is to create brand new and entirely separate Gmail or email accounts for any additional accounts.

For example:

By using distinct email accounts, you technically avoid violating the email-specific rule. However, there are still ToS issues with broader multi-accounting.

Workaround 2: Use Different Login Methods

Another hypothetical workaround is keeping your main login email, but use alternative methods for extra accounts:

This approach could work since the Facebook login serves as a de facto email. Again though, there are still risks here around multi-accounting bans.

Key Takeaways – One Email Means One Account

As both an avid Pokemon Go player and gaming expert, I have come to the firm conclusion that:

Definitively No – You Cannot Have Two Accounts on One Email

Niantic’s Terms of Service clearly prohibits linking two accounts to one email. So definitively, no, you cannot register multiple accounts this way. It presents security risks and enables cheating.

Workarounds Carry Significant Bans and Risks

Any workaround approaches still violate the broader terms against multi-accounting. Breaking ToS can trigger account suspensions or permanent bans by Niantic.

Play Fair and Respect Niantic‘s Game

Personally, I think we should respect the integrity of Pokemon Go by not pursuing alt accounts that could undermine fairness or security. As players, we should value the awesome game Niantic has created for us to enjoy.

So in summary – no, you cannot have two Pokemon Go accounts on the same email based on Niantic‘s firm rules. While gray-area workarounds may exist, they come with huge risks few players should be willing to take.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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