Can You Unlock Every Skill in ESO?

The short answer is yes, you can learn every single skill across all skill lines in The Elder Scrolls Online. However, this requires an immense investment of time and effort earning hundreds of skill points and maxing out multiple skill lines per character. Casual players likely won’t come close to unlocking the many hundreds of abilities, morphs, passives, etc. that ESO has to offer. But for the devoted few willing to grind out months and years of content, you can achieve full mastery of skills.

Total Number of Skills Currently Available

As of Update 35 in January 2023, here is the breakdown of unlockable skills across the various skill lines:

Skill LineActive SkillsPassive SkillsMorphsTotal Skills
Alliance War611623

So there are 297 unique skills across skill lines for one character as of 2023. This number can be even higher if counting different skill morph options. And with 19 weapons providing their own skill lines each with 70+ skills, the true total number of unlockables easily enters the 500 – 600 range.

Suffice to say – there are a massive amount of skills to learn if you want to master them all!

Skill Points Needed For Complete Mastery

To earn every ESO skill, you first need enough skill points to spend unlocking them. Here‘s a look at how the skill point requirements break down:

  • 71 skill points for all class active skills
  • About 115 for all weapon/armor/guild passive skills
  • Around 110 for all morph upgrades
  • Plus over 100 more for various passives

That comes out to about 600 skill points needed to learn every skill across the board – and that‘s before spending points to boost attributes, use multiple weapon types, etc!

Thankfully ESO provides over 600 obtainable skill points from all of the below sources:

  • Leveling 1-50 = 64 points
  • Skyshards (find and activate all) = 122 points
  • Main Story + Alliance zones = 180+ points
  • Group Dungeons = 60+ points
  • PvP Ranks = 30+ points
  • DLC zones and quests = 100+ points
  • Other sources like achievements, antiquities, etc.

But collecting every available skill point is a LOT of content to play through. Expect to spend hundreds of hours finishing zone quests, fully exploring the world for skyshards, completing dungeon successes and vet achievements, grinding PvP ranks, doing DLC zones – the list goes on!

The Journey to Full Skill Mastery

Completing the main story itself takes most players 100-200 hours. And again, mastering all skills could take 1,000 hours or more! Here‘s a general roadmap:

  • Level 1-50 – Focus on main story, class/weapon skills
  • CP 160+ – Begin running group dungeons for skill points
  • CP 300+ – Work on zone completions for extra points
  • CP 500+ – Vet dungeons/arenas, PvP ranking
  • CP 600+ – Trials and DLC zones
  • CP 800+ – Mastery of most skills achieved!

Make sure you research optimal grinding spots so you can earn EXP/points fast. Join a progression guild so you always have groups. Use 150% EXP scrolls from the crown store during story questing. Complete daily random dungeons for the big EXP bonus. Know which public dungeons are best for quickly farming those skill point quests at max level.

There are lots of tips and tricks to shave off precious time on the long road to end-game and skill point mastery!

Is Maxing Out All Your Skills Worth It?

At the end of the journey, you’ll have one unbelievably powerful character. But keep in mind that maxing every skill has downsides too, like:

  • Requires ridiculous grind over hundreds if not thousands of gameplay hours
  • Makes you master of none, spreading skills thin
  • End game groups still meta slave the “best” setups
  • Does not improve account power and flexibility
  • Opportunity cost of not leveling alts

As ESO players ourselves, our guild personally thinks there is more fun and advantage in building a small group of highly specialized end-game characters that play to the current meta.

But unlocking every skill remains an epic long term goal for the dedicated few who really take pride in mastering a single character completely. The bragging rights alone may make it worth!

So in summary – yes you absolutely can unlock every skill with enough patience and grind. Let us know if you commit to the long road of true mastery!

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